====== Set Pipeline Parameter ====== Pipeline parameters can be created in the pipeline and used as variables in other commands in the same pipeline. |**Set_Pipeline_Parameter** | | | | |**/Parameter_Name=** |The name of the Pipeline Parameter. The parameter is referred to by other commands using two colons (::) in front of the parameter name | | | |**/Parameter_Value=** |The value of the parameter. If a "+" delimeter is used in the value, the text string is maintained so that the Pipeline parameter is interpreted as multiple values when used in a command. If a "+" delimeter is used in the value, the entries in the line are concatenated, and will be treated as a single value when they are used in another command.| | | |**/Parameter_Value_Search_For=** | | | | |**/Parameter_Value_Replace_With=**|A string of characters that will replace the "search for" string. This can be useful if you want to replace some of the terms within an existing Global Parameter value | | | |**/Multi_Pass=** |FALSE |-|;| ==== Example: Set Pipeline Values via Search and Replace ==== This example sets pipeline parameters and new values via search and replace. The pipeline parameter **original** and the string value **replacethexxxx**, is set to the pipeline parameter **newparameter** and replaced with the string **replacethezzzz**. !Set the Pipeline parameter original to the value replacethexxxx Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=original /PARAMETER_VALUE=replacethexxxx ; ! Set the Pipeline parameter newparameter to a new value replacethezzzz by replacing ! part of the string zzzz for xxxx Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=newparameter /PARAMETER_VALUE=replacethexxxx /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR=xxxx /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH=zzzz ; ==== Example: Set Pipeline Parameter Value to a String ==== For example, the following command creates a global parameter **SIGNALS** which contains the string **RightFoot1+RightFoot2+RightFoot3**. A low pass filter is run on the pipeline parameter **SIGNALS**. Set_Pipeline_Parameter /Parameter_Name=SIGNALS /Parameter_Value=RightFoot1+RightFoot2+RightFoot3 ; ! All three signals will be processed with low pass filter Lowpass_Filter /Signal_Types=ORIGINAL+ORIGINAL+ORIGINAL /Signal_Names=::SIGNALS ; ==== Example: Search and Replace + Sign ==== The plus sign typically indicates different a list of values, but sometimes a user may want to search and replace a plus sign. This is allowed if the user types \+. An example is below: Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=TEST /PARAMETER_VALUE=A + B /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR=\+ /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH=- ; **Result: ::TEST = A - B** Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=TEST /PARAMETER_VALUE= A - B /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR=- /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH=\+ ; **Result: ::TEST = A + B** ==== Example: Set Pipeline Parameter Multi-Pass ==== MultiPass was introduced january 21, 2014 The resulting parameter could be a new pipeline parameter for example, the resulting string could be ::VALUE If MultiPass were true, this should return the value of the parameter VALUE not the string ::VALUE example: Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=TEST /PARAMETER_VALUE=SCOTT ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_APPEND= ; Pipeline Parameter : ::TEST = SCOTT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=ONE /PARAMETER_VALUE=KEITH ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_APPEND= ; Pipeline Parameter : ::ONE = KEITH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=SCOTTKEITH /PARAMETER_VALUE=7 ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_APPEND= ; Pipeline Parameter : ::SCOTTKEITH = 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if we set MULTI_PASS= FALSE Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=FINAL /PARAMETER_VALUE=::SCOTTKEITH ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_APPEND= ! /MULTI_PASS=FALSE ; Pipeline Parameter : ::FINAL = ::SCOTTKEITH if we set MULTI_PASS= TRUE Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=FINAL /PARAMETER_VALUE=::SCOTTKEITH ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_SEARCH_FOR= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_REPLACE_WITH= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX= ! /PARAMETER_VALUE_APPEND= /MULTI_PASS=true ; Pipeline Parameter : ::FINAL = 7 **NOTE:** If the above does not work (if FINAL is not set to 7, and MULTI_PASS is set to TRUE), instead of writing "::SCOTTKEITH", use ":&:&::SCOTTKEITH".