====== Set Pipeline Parameter From Expression ====== **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_From_Expression** /PARAMETER_NAME=t_Mass /EXPRESSION=METRIC::PROCESSED::HEIGHT * 4.6 /AS_INTEGER=TRUE **;** The pipeline parameter contains the value of the expression. Getting the syntax correct can be challenging because there can be a conflict between the & as a concatenation parameter in a pipeline parameter and the & as a boolean "and" operator. For many pipeline commands Visual3D recognizes the conflict and handles the situations in a context specific way. Visual3D cannot make that distinction and "bad" things happen. Consider the following which uses string comparisons and a pipeline parameter in the expression: **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_From_Expression** /PARAMETER_NAME= MVAL /EXPRESSION=(&::TAG_NAMES& == Utility) * 4.6 /AS_INTEGER=FALSE **;** The goal was to set MVAL to 4.6 when the pipeline parameter TAG_NAMES was equal to the string "Utility"; One solution is to separate the pipeline parameter from the expression. **Set_Pipeline_Parameter** /PARAMETER_NAME=TEMP /PARAMETER_VALUE=(&::TAG_NAMES& == Utility)*4.6 **;** \\ **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_From_Expression** /PARAMETER_NAME=t_Mass /EXPRESSION=::TEMP /AS_INTEGER=FALSE **;** \\ Another solution, which is even trickier in terms of syntax is: **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_From_Expression** /PARAMETER_NAME=SCOTT /EXPRESSION=("&::TAG_NAMES&"==" Utility") ! /AS_INTEGER=TRUE **;** This forces Visual3D to recognize the strings as strings and the & is treated correctly. \\ === Get global metrics === Global metrics can be set to a pipeline parameter by setting "GLOBAL" in front of the metric name. More information about expressions can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Expressions:Expressions_Overview|here]]. **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_From_Expression** /PARAMETER_NAME=KATIE /EXPRESSION=GLOBAL::METRIC::PROCESSED::MASS /AS_INTEGER=FALSE **;**