====== Set Report Options ====== Set_Report_Options ! /PAGE_LAYOUT=LANDSCAPE ! /PAPER_SIZE=- ! /COLLECTOR=- ! /FACILITY_LINE_2=- ! /ADDRESS_LINE_1=- ! /ADDRESS_LINE_2=- ! /ADDRESS_LINE_3=- ! /PHONE=- ! /FAX=- ! /NOTES_LINE_1=- ! /NOTES_LINE_2=- ! /NOTES_LINE_3=- ! /LOGO=- ! /MARGIN_TOP=- ! /MARGIN_BOTTOM=- ! /MARGIN_LEFT=- ! /MARGIN_RIGHT=- ! /PAGE_NUMBER_POSITION=- ! /PAGE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT=- ! /PAGE_TAG_LINE_2=- ! /PAGE_TAG_LINE_3=- ! /PAGE_TAG_LINE_4=- ; ===== Manually Set Report Options ===== These parameters can be changed in the pipeline command, or changed manually by right clicking on the report page and selecting **Report Options**.\\ ==== Page Layout ==== **Page Layout Tab:**\\ \\ **/PAGE_LAYOUT=** Portrait or Landscape\\ **/PAPER_SIZE=** Letter, Legal or A4\\ ==== Lab Information ==== |The Lab Information can be added in the Laboratory Information tab.\\ \\ \\ **Laboratory Information Tab:**\\ \\ **/COLLECTOR=**\\ **/FACILITY_LINE_2=**\\ **/ADDRESS_LINE_1=**\\ **/ADDRESS_LINE_2=**\\ **/ADDRESS_LINE_3=**\\ **/PHONE=**\\ **/FAX=**\\ **/NOTES_LINE_1=**\\ **/NOTES_LINE_2=**\\ **/NOTES_LINE_3=**\\ **/LOGO=**\\ \\ | {{:ReportOptions.jpeg}}\\ | |\\ \\ Note that to see the **lab information** in the report, the lab information must be "graphed".\\ By default facility line 1 is set to the laboratory name and this parameter cannot be modified.\\ \\ | {{:ReportOptions_LabInfo_Report.jpeg}}\\ | ==== Page Layout ==== |**Page Layout Tab:**\\ \\ 1. Margins:\\ **/MARGIN_TOP=**\\ **/MARGIN_BOTTOM=**\\ **/MARGIN_LEFT=**\\ **/MARGIN_RIGHT=**\\ \\ 2. Page Number Format:\\ **/PAGE_NUMBER_POSITION=**\\ **/PAGE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT=**\\ \\ Note paper size and orientation can be set in the first two parameters of this pipeline command.\\ | {{:ReportOptions_PageLayout.jpg}}| ==== Printing ==== |**Printing Tab:**\\ \\ **/PAGE_TAG_LINE_2=**\\ **/PAGE_TAG_LINE_3=**\\ **/PAGE_TAG_LINE_4=**\\ | {{:ReportOptions_Printing.jpg}}|