====== Compute Volume Of Chest Wall ====== This command is based on the article by Ferrigno et al (1994) J Appl Physiol 77(3) 1224-1231. ==== Marker Placement ==== The command expects all 32 vertices described in the article. If any markers/landmarks are missing in a frame, no volume is computed. {{:ChestWall1.jpg}} \\ ==== Pipeline Command ==== **Compute_Volume_Of_Chest_Wall** /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET /SIGNAL_NAMES=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32 /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL /RESULT_NAME=VOLUME ! /RESULT_FOLDER=PROCESSED **;** ==== Units ==== Visual3D uses MKS units throughout the analyses. The only exceptions are joint angles which are represented in degrees. The units for the volume are therefore m^3 Note that 1 m^3= 1000 liters ==== Compute_Volume_Of_A_Convex_Hull ==== {{:ChestWall2.jpg}} In Figure 2 the volume of the highlighted volume can be computed as a convex hull. The volume of the chest wall is the sum of the volumes of the sub regions. === Output signal === The resulting signal contains two components. The first component is the volume The second component is the number of vertices that were available at that frame for computing the volume.