====== Distance Parallel To Path ====== || The command Distance_Parallel_To_Path computes the dot product of a vector from the start to point p, with the straight line path defined as the Position at Event1 to position at Event2 {{:On_off_axis_path.gif}} In the above figure, the blue line is the parallel distance from the point P. For example: \\ **Distance_Parallel_To_Path** **/SIGNAL_TYPES=**TARGET **/SIGNAL_NAMES=**MID_PSIS **! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=**ORIGINAL **/RESULT_NAME=**PSIS_DISTANCE **! /RESULT_FOLDER=**PROCESSED **/EVENT_NAME_START=**START **/EVENT_NAME_STOP=**STOP **/NORMALIZE_TO_DISTANCE=**FALSE **;** \\ Normalize to distance results in dividing the resulting parallel distance to the distance along the straight path.