====== Interpolate ====== If there are unreliable data points (residuals < 0) in any signal it is possible to interpolate these gaps in the data using a spline interpolation. ==== Visual3D Version 4 ==== The interpolation procedure performs a least-squares fit of an nth order polynomial to k data points. |(x1,t1),...,(xk,tk)|k >= polynomial order + 1|| \\ |**Interpolate** | | |**/Signal_Types=** |The type of signal to be processed | |**/Signal_Names=** |The names of the signals to be processed | |**/Signal_Folder=** |The name of the signal folder | |**/Num_Fit=** |The number of frames of data before and after the "gap" that are used to calculate the coefficients of the polynomial.| |**/Polynomial_Order=**|The order of the polynomial used. | |**/Maximum_Gap=** |The maximum number of frames of data that can be replaced with interpolated values. | {{:InterpolateDlg.png}} Dialog that pops up when pipeline selection is edited by double clicking with the left mouse button. === Using an expression in Version 4 === This is considerable more klunky because it requires 3 commands instead of 1: **Evaluate_Expression** /EXPRESSION=0.1*PARAMETERS::POINT::RATE /RESULT_NAME=RATE /RESULT_TYPE=METRIC /RESULT_FOLDER=TEMP **;** **Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_Data_Value** /PARAMETER_NAME=GAP /SIGNAL_TYPES=METRIC /SIGNAL_NAMES=RATE /SIGNAL_FOLDER=TEMP ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=ALL_COMPONENTS **;** **Interpolate** /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /RESULT_SUFFIX= ! /RESULT_FOLDER=PROCESSED /MAXIMUM_GAP=::GAP ! /NUM_FIT=3 ! /POLYNOMIAL_ORDER=3 **;** ==== Visual3D Version 5 ==== In version 5 we permit the three numerical parameters to have expressions. **Interpolate** /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /RESULT_SUFFIX= ! /RESULT_FOLDER=PROCESSED /MAXIMUM_GAP=0.1*PARAMETERS::POINT::RATE ! /NUM_FIT=3 ! /POLYNOMIAL_ORDER=3 **;** {{:InterpolateDlg2.jpg}} === Using an expression in version 5 === Define the maximum size of the gap based on the POINT frame rate. {{:InterpolateDlg3.jpg}}