====== Replace ====== || Replace data points in a signal interpolated values. This command uses the same algorithms as the interpolate command but it removes meaningless data in the specified range. {{:SignalProcessing_ReplaceDlg.png}} |**Replace** | | |**/Signal_Types=** |The type of signal to be processed | |**/Signal_Names=** |The names of the signals to be processed | |**/Signal_Folder=** |The name of the signal folder | |**/Start_Frame=** |The first frame in the range of data points. | |**/End_Frame=** |The last frame in the range of data points. | |**/Polynomial_Order=**|The order of the polynomial used. | |**/Num_Fit=** |The number of frames of data before and after the "gap" that are used to calculate the coefficients of the polynomial.| The following example results in replacing frames 60 to 72 of the RFT1 motion capture marker (TARGET) with interpolated values using a third order polynomial interpolated using 6 frames before and 6 frames after the specified range. **Replace** /Signal_Types=TARGET /Signal_Names=RFT1 /Signal_Folder=ORIGINAL /Start_Frame=60 /End_Frame=72 /Polynomial_Order=3 /Num_Fit=6 **;**