====== Data Tree Summary ====== |{{:V3D_DataTree.png}} | | In Visual3D, you can see the Data Tree by going to the Signals and Events tab. Signals in Visual3D are referenced by how they are presented in the Data Tree: * Signal Type (Top level) * Signal Folder * Signal Name There are only specific signal types that are allowed: * Event_Label * Target * Analog * Force * COFP * Freemoment * Landmark * Link_Model_Based * Kinetic_Kinematic * Derived * Metric * Frame_Numbers * Header Information * Parameters In [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Expressions:Expressions_Overview|Expressions]], signals are referenced using the following syntax: * SignalType::SignalFolder::SignalName * SignalType::SignalFolder::SignalName::Component More information about the data tree can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Visual3D_Signal_Types:Data_Tree|here]].