====== Toolbar ====== The toolbar provides common buttons/tasks that can be done within Visual3D. Depending on the current tab (Workspace, Signals and Events, Models, Reports, etc.), the toolbar options will change. ==== Workspace Tab ==== {{:Buttons1_Arrow.JPG}} === New Workspace === Empties the current workspace and creates a new one. === Open Files === Opens movement files. Note that although the default mask shows .c3d and .cmo files, this button can also open other file types such as ASCII files. {{:OpenFilesButton.jpg}} === Save Files === Saves the workspace as a .cmo file in the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:File_Formats:CMO_Format|CMO Format]]. {{:SaveFilesButton.jpg}} === Close Files === There isn't a tool bar icon for closing motion trials, but this is a common process. The File Menu item "Close File" does NOT close the highlighted file in the workspace tab. It closes the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Active_Files|active files]] shown in the selector box in the toolbar. There is also a pipeline command called [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:File_Close|File_Close]] to close the active file(s). {{:CloseFilesButton.jpg}} === Print === Opens the print dialog box. {{:PrintFilesButton.jpg}} === Recalculate === Recalculates model and event data. {{:RecalculateButton.jpg}} === Visual3D Pipeline === Opens the Pipeline Workshop dialog box. More information on the Pipeline can be found at the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Pipeline_Overview|Visual3D Pipeline]] link. {{:V3DPipelineButton.jpg}} \\ ==== Signals And Events Toolbar ==== {{:SignalsAndEvents_Toolbar_v6.png}} === A. Event Editing === Manually Adjust Events: Edit Events (Pencil) Add Events (Plus Sign) === B. Camera Reset === Reset the 3D Viewer to the default view === C. Force Vector Size === Adjust the scale of the force vectors in the 3D viewer === D. Target Labels === Turn on/off target labels in 3D viewer === E. Targets === Turn targets on/off in 3D viewer === F. Bones === Turn the bones on/off in the 3D viewer. This is a toggle button, so the button loops through the following options: - All Bones On - Kinetic Bones On - Kinematic Bones On - All Bones Off === G. Segment Geometry === Turn the Segment Geometry on/off in 3D viewer === H. Stick Figure === Turn Segment Lines on/off === I. Active File === Set the active file Active file defines what file is being processed and what file is displayed in the 3D viewer === J. Query === [[Sift:Documentation:Query|Query]] a set of files