====== Real-time Pipeline and Biofeedback ====== [[Visual3D:Tutorials:Real_Time:Biofeedback:RT_Biofeedback_Overview|Tutorial_RT_Biofeedback]] ==== RT Pipeline ==== For each packet of streaming data received by Visual3D. * The pose of the model is estimated. * The RT pipeline is executed. {{:RT_Pipeline1.jpg}} The RT Pipeline contains a subset of the commands in the Post Processing pipeline because only some of the commands make sense in the real time stream. === RT_ModelBased === {{:RT_Pipeline2.jpg}} === RT_Events === Only two of the Events commands exist. {{:RT_Pipeline3.jpg}} Note that automatic_gait_events relies on the Forces being assigned to a segment. === RT_SignalMath === {{:RT_Pipeline4.jpg}} ==== RT_Graphs ==== {{:RT_Pipeline5.jpg}} === RT_Graph_Dialog === There are many options for the realtime graphs. Recent additions to the graphs include a new Speedometer and Circular Angle Graph. The Adjust Graph Position option is a new feature that allows the user to manually move the graphs around. - Typical values should be between -2 and 2. Exceeding those values may send the graph outside of the normal viewing area. - The position adjustment stacks on top of the row / column location, so adjust the row / column first and then make any fine adjustments using the new feature. {{:RT_Pipeline6.jpg}}