====== Manually Creating Events ====== ==== Introduction ==== This tutorial will show you how to manually create an event in Visual3D. ==== Event Creation Process ==== **1.** First, open the c3d file you want to add the event(s) to and open the //Signals and Events// tab {{:SignalsEventsHighlight.png}} **2.** Open the //Create Events// window {{:CreateEventButton.png}} **3.** Choose the name of the event you want to create. In this example **RHS** is used {{:CreateEventNaming.png}} **4.** Select the frame at which you want the event to be created at {{:RHSFrameNumber.png}} Here you can see that a right heel strike occurs at frame 39 so this is the frame we want to add the event RHS at **5.** Once you have chosen the name of the event being created and the frame at which it is to be creates you can click the button labeled //"Create event at current animation frame"// {{:CreateEventAtFrame.png}} **6.** The label for the event you created (in this case **RHS**) will now show up in the //Available Events Labels// list {{:AvailableLabelsList.png}} **7.** Open the //Edit Events// window {{:EditEventsButton.png}} **8.** You can see that the RHS that was created at frame 39 has actually been created and shows up in this dialogue {{:EventLabelRHS.png}}