====== Marker Markerless Comparison ====== (work in progress as [[index.php?title=Manage_Theia3D_Merge&action=edit&redlink=1|Manage_Theia3D_Merge]] is a hidden command in Visual3D that is still being tested before release) This tutorial demonstrates the merging of Theia3D output c3d files and synchronized c3d files with marker based data. ==== Demo Files ==== Download the [[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xj_NC_a1cCNTdjTpZ34SMh9mGNkek6DI/view?usp=sharing|zip file]]] containing folder paths and files for this tutorial. ==== Merge Theia3D Files and Marker based files ==== The Theia3D signals will be assigned a prefix ML: and a subject tag ML The markers will be assigned a prefix M: and a subject tag M The pair of synchronized files will be merged into one file. The ground reaction force will be assigned to both models (there is a little inside trick here) Difference signals and metrics will be generated and reported. {{:Theia3D_Tutorial2_1.jpg}} Manage_Theia3D_Processing /ROOT_FOLDER=...\Visual3D_Theia_Tutorial2\ ! /ACTION= /TAGS=GROUP+SESSION+TASK /PROJECT=THEIA3D_MB_ML ! /IMPORT_ANALOG_FILES=FALSE /MERGE_THEIA3D_FILES=TRUE /THEIA3D_SESSION_FOLDER=*_THEIA /THEIA3D_FILE_MASK=*pose_filt_0.c3d /THEIA3D_PREFIX=ML: /THEIA3D_SUBJECT_TAG=ML /OTHER3D_SESSION_FOLDER=*_QTM /OTHER3D_FILE_MASK=*walk*.c3d /OTHER3D_MODEL_MASK=*static*.c3d /OTHER3D_MODEL_TEMPLATE_MASK=*.mdh /OTHER3D_PREFIX=M: /OTHER3D_SUBJECT_TAG=M /NUMBER_OF_SESSION_FILES_ALLOWED=3 /GCVSPL_VARIANCE=0.00001 ! /RECREATE_EVENTS=TRUE ! /QA_FORCE_ASSIGNMENTS=TRUE ! /OPEN_CMZ_LIBRARY=FALSE ! /REPORT_COMMAND=FALSE ! /REPORT_INFO=FALSE ! /REPORT_ERROR=FALSE ! /REPORT_WARNING=FALSE ! /INPUT_FOLDER_STRUCTURE=DEFAULT **;** {{:Theia3D_Tutorial2_2.jpg}} The resulting file contains 3 merged c3d files and 2 models {{:Theia3D_Tutorial2_3.jpg}} A collection of report graphs