====== Building an IK Model ====== ==== Introduction ==== This tutorial will show you step by step how to build an IK model. The file used for this tutorial is the file used for the [[Visual3D:Tutorials:Modeling:Building_a_Model|Building a 6 DOF Model]] tutorial. There is also a video tutorial available [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GusPPIdK4pQ%7C|here]] ==== Tutorial ==== **1.** Open the file and go to the Models tab. **2.** Under the Segments tab open the IK Constraints tab. {{:IKConstraintTabHighlight.png}} **3.** Click the //New Linkage// button. {{:NewLinkageButton.png}} **4.** In the Create Linkage window type the name of the new linkage and click Okay. {{:CreateLinkageWindow.png}} **5.** You'll notice that the linkage you created shows up in the IK Constraints dialogue. {{:LinkageInputHighlight.png}} **6.** Under //Segment// select //Pelvis// {{:IKPelvisSelect.png}} **7.** Under //Parent// choose //LAB// {{:ParentLABSelect.png}} **8.** You want the pelvis to have all six degrees of freedom so make sure all of the boxes are checked. {{:IKPelvisFreedomBoxes.png}} **9.** Click //Add// and the new constraint will appear in the window below {{:IKPelvisAdded.png}} **10.** Keep the //Linkage// the same but change the //Segment// to Right Thigh and the //Parent// to Pelvis. {{:RightThighIKSegment.png}} **11.** Select only the bottom row of Mobilizers. {{:IKRightThighMobilizers.png}} **12.** Add the new constraint. {{:IKRightThighAdded.png}} **13.** Now set the //Segment// as Right Shank and the //Parent// as Right Thigh. **14.** Add this constraint. **15.** Set the //Segment// as Right Foot and the //Parent// as Right Shank **16.** Add this constraint. **17.** Set the //Segment// as Left Thigh and the //Parent// as Pelvis and add this constraint. **18.** Set the //Segment// as Left Shank and the //Parent// as Left Thigh and add this constraint. **19.** Set the //Segment// as Left Foot and the //Parent// as Left Shank and add this constraint. **20.** Click the Build Model button {{:IKBuildModelButton.png}} **21.** Your IK model has now been built **22.** If your CMO has a motion file in it you will notice that building an IK Model will change the marker colour from white to green. {{:IKMarkerColour.png}}