====== Correcting Mislabeled Markers ====== ==== Introduction ==== If you mistakes have been made in the labeling of your markers then these mistakes need to be fixed in order to ensure high quality data. This tutorial explains how to do this, using the specific example of the **RTH1** marker labelled as **RTH2** and vice versa. The rest of this tutorial will show you how to effectively fix this. **Note:** There is also a video tutorial available [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_WkIvKTF5o%7C|here]] ==== Fixing the Mislabeled Markers ==== **1.** The first step is to expand the //TARGET// menu by clicking on the + sign next to it. {{:TargetExpandHighlight.png}} **2.** Next expand the //ORIGINAL// menu by clicking the + sign next to it. {{:OriginalExpandHighlight.png}} **3.** In the //ORIGINAL// list find the first of the mislabeled markers (in this case **RTH1**) and right click on it. Then select //Rename Label// {{:RenameLabelHighlight.png}} **4.** When the //Rename Label// window is open you need to input the correct label but because **RTH2** is still in use you can't change it to that right away so you need to use an interim label until you can properly change it; in this example we used **RTH2a** {{:MarkerRelabelTemp.png}} **5.** Close the //Rename Label// window. **6.** Right click on **RTH2**, open the //Rename Label// window and then rename it **RTH1**. {{:RelabelRTH1.png}} **7.** Now that the label **RTH2** is no longer being used you can go back and replace temporary label of **RTH2a** with the correct label **RTH2**. {{:RelabelRTH2.png}} **8.** The markers are now correctly labeled, the final step is to make sure the correction is completed by clicking the //Recalc// button. {{:RecalcButtonHighlight.png}}