====== Golem Upperbody Model Delete ====== \\ **** **This tutorial has been replaced (06 Jan 2016).** **THE NEW TUTORIAL CAN BE FOUND [[Visual3D:Tutorials:Modeling:Plug-In_Gait_Full-Body|HERE]].** **It only exists as a reference to compare changes with the new tutorial - BUT THIS PAGE WILL BE DELETED** **If you notice any errors, please contact [[https://www.c-motion.com/corporate/contact-us/|support]].** \\ \\ \\ ===== Introduction ===== This tutorial describes the Golem (Plug-in gait) upperbody model as implemented in Vicon (via Bodybuilder/PIG) and how one might model it in Visual 3D. The Golem or Plug-in-Gait upper body model consists of 25 markers and 11 segments (Pelvis, Torso, Clavicles, Head, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, and Hands). ===== Marker Placement ===== This section describes the marker placement for the Golem/PIG upperbody model. ==== Head Markers ==== There are four markers for the head. A head band with permanently attached markers is often used. * **LFHD** Left front head (Located approximately over the left temple) * **RFHD** Right front head (Located approximately over the right temple) * **LBHD** Left back head (Placed on the back of the head, in a horizontal plane of the front head markers) * **RBHD** Right back head (Placed on the back of the head, in a horizontal plane of the front head markers) ==== Trunk Markers ==== These four markers define a plane hence their lateral positioning is most important. * **C7** Spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebrae. This is the most prominent spinal process on the back of the neck. Ask the subject to bend their head forward. Locate the C7 vertebra and then ask the subject to straighten their neck. Place the marker on this point. * **CLAV** Jugular Notch where the clavicle meets the sternum. The marker should be placed on the bone and not in the jugular notch. * **T10** Spinous Process of the 10th thoracic vertebrae. This marker position is located by finding the inferior angle of the scapula. Move horizontally across to the vertebrae. This should be T7. Get the subject to slump forward and count down to T10 by feeling for the bony spines of each vertebra. * **STRN** Xiphoid process of the Sternum. This marker must be placed on the bone just above the Xiphoid process. This marker can be problematic for women. * **LBAK or RBAK** **(Optional)** Placed mid scapula, acts as an anti-symmetry marker strictly for autolabel purposes. Only LBAK or RBAK should be used, but not both. ==== Pelvis Markers ==== The Golem pelvis has two marker set variations: a three marker set and a four marker set. The three market set Pelvis is known as [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Helen_Hayes_(Davis)_Pelvis|Helen Hayes (Davis) Pelvis]] and the four marker set Pelvis is known as the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Coda_Pelvis|Coda Pelvis]]. The [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Pelvis_Overview|Pelvis Overview]] section discussed the differences between the two models. This tutorial uses the CODA pelvis. The plane of the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Coda_Pelvis|Coda Pelvis]] is visualized as a triangle or plane. In this case the plane is formed by the Right and Left Anterior Superior Iliac Spines (RASI and LASI) and the mid point of the Right and Left Posterior Superior Iliac Spines (RPSI, LPSI). * **RASI** and **LASI** Place the centers of the markers over both Anterior Superior Iliac Spines (ASIS's) * **RPSI** and **LPSI** Place the centers of the markers both Posterior Superior Iliac Spines (PSIS's). ==== Arm Markers ==== There are 6 bilateral markers (12 total) on the arms. * **LSHO** Left shoulder marker, placed on top of the Acromio-clavicular joint. * **LUPA** Left upper arm marker, placed on the upper arm between the elbow and the shoulder markers. Should be placed asymetrically with RUPA. * **LELB** Left elbow (placed on lateral epicondyle approximating elbow joint axis) Some users may use a wrist bar for the right and left wrist markers. * **LWRA** Left wrist thumb side * **LWRB** Left wrist pinkie side * **LFIN** Left "finger". Actually placed on the dorsum of the hand just below the head of the second metacarpal * **RSHO** Right shoulder marker, placed on top of the Acromio-clavicular joint. * **RUPA** Right upper arm marker, placed on the upper arm between the elbow and the shoulder markers. Should be placed asymetrically with LUPA. * **RELB** Right elbow (placed on lateral epicondyle approximating elbow joint axis) Some users may use a wrist bar for the right and left wrist markers. * **RWRA** Right wrist thumb side * **RWRB** Right wrist pinkie side * **RFIN** Right "finger". Actually placed on the dorsum of the hand just below the head of the second metacarpal ===== Subject measurements ===== There are 4 required bilateral anthroprometric measurements that need to be measured on the subject. **Shoulder Offset:** This is the vertical distance from the center of the glenohumeral joint to the marker on the acromion calivicular joint (RSHO & LSHO). Some researchers have used the (anterior/posterior girth)/2 to establish a guideline for the parameter. **Elbow Width:** This is the distance between the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus. **Wrist Width:** This is the distance between the ulnar and radial styloids. **Hand Thickness:** This is the distance between the dorsal and palmar surfaces of the hand. ===== Model Construction ===== In this tutorial we will go through the segments one by one. Each segment will have a Vicon model description and a Visual 3D model construction section. ==== Subject Measurements ==== In Visual 3D, we must create subject data metrics for the measured subject measurements: Shoulder offsets, elbow offsets, wrist offsets, and hand thickness. To enter those measurements in Visual 3D, the user must create a **Subject Data Metric** for that measurement. - Click on **Subject Data/Metrics** tab - Click **Add New Item** - Type in //RShoulderOffset// in **Name** - Type in //0.02// in **Value of Expression** - Click on **OK** {{:Golem_subject_data_metric.jpg}} **RShoulderOffset** should now appear in the list. Using the above steps, continue to enter the following subject data metrics: * //LShoulderOffset// in **Name** and //0.02// in **Value of Expression** * //RElbowOffset// in **Name** and //0.08// in **Value of Expression** * //LElbowOffset// in **Name** and //0.08// in **Value of Expression** * //RWristOffset// in **Name** and //0.04// in **Value of Expression** * //LWristOffset// in **Name** and //0.04// in **Value of Expression** * //RHandOffset// in **Name** and //0.03// in **Value of Expression** * //LHandOffset// in **Name** and //0.03// in **Value of Expression** * //Marker_Diameter// in **Name** and //0.02// in **Value of Expression** ==== Head ==== === Vicon Model Description === The head origin is defined as the midpoint between the LFHD and RFHD markers (also denoted 'Front'). The midpoint between the LBHD and RBHD markers ('Back') is also calculated, along with the 'Left' and 'Right' sides of the head from the LFHD and LBHD midpoint, and the RFHD and RBHD midpoint respectively. The predominant head axis, the X axis, is defined as the forward facing direction (Front - Back). The secondary Y axis is the lateral axis from Right to Left (which is orthoganalized as usual). For the static processing, the YXZ Euler angles representing the rotation from the head segment to the lab axes are calculated. The Y rotation is taken as the head Offset angle, and the mean of this taken across the trial. For the dynamic trial processing, the head Offset angle is applied around the Y axis of the defined head segment. === Visual 3D Model Construction === Landmarks need to be created for midpoint of the back of the head (**MIDBACKHEAD**), the midpoint of the front of the head (**MIDFRONTHEAD**), and the midpoint of the right side of the head (**RIGHTMIDHEAD**). To create the midpoint of the back of the head landmark **MIDBACKHEAD**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //MIDBACKHEAD// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LBHD// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RBHD// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** {{:Midbackheadlandmark.jpg}} To create the midpoint of the front of the head landmark **MIDFRONTHEAD**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //MIDFRONTHEAD// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LFHD// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RFHD// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** To create the midpoint of the right side of the head landmark **MIDRIGHTHEAD**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //MIDFRONTHEAD// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //RBHD// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RFHD// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** We have now created all the needed landmarks for the head segment. To create the head segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, select //Head.// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from the midpoint of the LFHD and RFHD to the midpoint of LBHD and RBHD. The proximal and distal ends of the segment must be defined. The origin is MIDFRONTHEAD. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //MIDFRONTHEAD// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //distance(MIDFRONTHEAD,RFHD)//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //MIDBACKHEAD// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //distance(MIDBACKHEAD,RBHD)// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Lateral// for the **Location.** and //RIGHTMIDHEAD// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //LBHD//, //LFHD//, //RFHD//, and //RBHD// - Click on **Build Model** {{:Golemheadsegment1.jpg}} You should now see a head segment on your standing model. If you do not see the head segment after clicking Build Model, double check the values you entered in the last step. The coordinate system needs to be rotated to reflect our convention (x - med/lat, y - ant/post, z vert). In addition, we need to rotate the head graphic to the correct orientation. To orient the coordinate system and the head skeleton graphic. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Modify Segment Coordinates** tab - Select -Z in A/P & +Y in distal/proximal. - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Rotate Scale/Graphic Model** tab - Rotate the scale/graphic 90 in vertical rotation and -180 in the clockwise rotation. - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** \\ The head segment axes and graphic should now be correct. {{:Golemheadsegment2.jpg}} ==== Thorax ==== === Vicon Model Description === The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from the midpoint of the STRN and T10 to the midpoint of CLAV and C7. A secondary direction pointing forwards is the midpoint of C7 and T10 to the midpoint of CLAV and STRN. The thorax origin is then calculated from the CLAV marker, with an offset of half a marker diameter backwards along the X axis. === Visual 3D Model Construction === Landmarks need to be created for: midpoint of C7 and CLAV (**MIDCLAVC7**), midpoint of STRN and T10 (**MIDSTRNT10**), midpoint of MIDSTRNT10 and STRN to find the anterior axis of the torso (**TORSO_X**), and the Thorax joint center (**THORAX_ORIGIN**). To create the midpoint of C7 and the CLAV landmark **MIDCLAVC7**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //MIDCLAVC7// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //CLAV// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //C7// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** {{:Midclavc7.jpg}} To create the midpoint of STRN and the T10 landmark **MIDSTRNT10**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //MIDSTRNT10// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //STRN// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //T10// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** To create the midpoint of MIDSTRNT10 and STRN to find the anterior axis of the torso **TORSO_X**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //TORSO_X// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //MIDSTRNT10// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //STRN// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //0.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** To create the the Thorax joint center **THORAX_ORIGIN**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //THORAX_ORIGIN// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //CLAV// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //C7// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //-.00125// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** We have now created all the needed landmarks for the Thorax/Ab segment. To create the Thorax/Ab segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, select //Thorax/Ab.// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from the midpoint of the STRN and T10 to the midpoint of CLAV and C7. The proximal and distal ends of the segment must be defined. The origin is the MIDCLAVC7. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //MIDCLAVC7// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //0.5*distance(LSHO,RSHO)//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //MIDSTRNT10// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //0.5*distance(LSHO,RSHO)// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Anterior// for the **Location.** and //TORSO_X// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //C7//, //CLAV//, //STRN//, and //T10// - In **Depth**, enter //0.14// - Click on **Build Model** {{:Golemthoraxsegment5.jpg}} You should now see a thorax segment on your standing model. The thorax graphic is not oriented or scaled correctly. If you do not see the thorax segment after clicking Build Model, double check the values you entered in the last step. We need to rotate the thorax graphic to the correct orientation. To orient the thorax skeleton graphic. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - In the model file, browse to find //thoraciccerviclet12toacromium.v3g//. A different thorax graphic will appear. - Click on **Rotate Scale/Graphic Model** tab - Rotate the scale/graphic 180 in horizontal rotation and 180 in the clockwise rotation. - Click on Scale button - Change the scale for both the width and depth to 120 - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** {{:Golemthoraxsegment4.jpg}} ==== Pelvis ==== === Vicon Model Description === The pelvis in Golem can either be the Helen Hayes Pelvis (a three marker set) or the CODA Pelvis ( a four marker set). The three market set Pelvis is known as [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Helen_Hayes_(Davis)_Pelvis|Helen Hayes (Davis) Pelvis]] and the four marker set Pelvis is known as the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Coda_Pelvis|Coda Pelvis]]. The [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Pelvis_Overview|Pelvis Overview]] section discussed the differences between the two models. === Visual 3D Model Construction === This tutorial uses the CODA pelvis. To construct the CODA Pelvis, we begin by using the static standing trial. - From the **Model** menu, select **Create (Add Static Calibration File)**\\ {{:tutorial1_2.jpg}}\\ - Select **Hybrid Model from C3DFile** - A dialog titled **Select the calibration file for the new model** will appear. Select //static.c3d// and click **Open.**\\ - Visual3D will switch to Model Building mode automatically. The 3D viewer will display the average value of the marker locations from the standing file. The dialog bar to the left of the screen will contain a list of segments, which by default will contain only a segment representing the Laboratory. To construct the CODA Pelvis segment: - From the **Segment Name** box, select //Pelvis.// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Coda.// - Click **Create.**\\ {{:CODA_pelvis1.jpg}}\\ - A dialogue box labeled **Enter Body Mass and Height** will open because Visual3D needs the subject to be assigned a mass and a height. For this example, Enter //56// kg and //1.77// m, and click **OK.**\\ {{:26_weight.jpg}}\\ - A dialogue box labeled **CODA Segment Markers** will open. Select the markers so that they correspond to the figure below. Click **Close.**\\ {{:CODA_Pelvis_Markers1.jpg}}\\ - Click **Build Model** to build the segment. You should now see a pelvis segment on your standing model. If you do not see the pelvis segment after clicking **Build Model**, double check the values you entered in the last step. ==== Shoulder Joint Center ==== === Vicon Model Description === The clavicles are considered to lie between the thorax origin, and the shoulder joint centers. The shoulder joint centers are defined as the origins for each clavicle. Note that the posterior part of the shoulder complex is considered too flexible to be modeled with this marker set. Initially a direction is defined, which is perpendicular to the line from the thorax origin to the SHO marker, and the thorax X axis. This is used to define a virtual shoulder 'wand' marker. The chord function is then used to define the shoulder joint centre (SJC) from the Shoulder offset, thorax Origin, SHO marker and shoulder 'wand'. === Visual 3D Model Construction === This tutorial uses the previously modeled thorax segment to define the shoulder joint center. The right and left shoulder joint centers (**RSHJC**, **LSHJC**) landmarks are created from a plane defined by the shoulder marker, Thorax/ab segment, and the -.09*DISTANCE(LSHO,RSHO) in the Axial direction. To create the right shoulder joint center landmark **RSHJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //RSHJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //RSHO// - In the **Existing Segment** pulldown box, enter //Thorax/Ab// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //-.09*DISTANCE(LSHO,RSHO)// - Click **Apply.** {{:GolemRSHJC2.jpg}} To create the left shoulder joint center landmark **LSHJC**: - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //LSHJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LSHO// - In the **Existing Segment** pulldown box, enter //Thorax/Ab// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //-.09*DISTANCE(LSHO,RSHO)// - Click **Apply.** ==== Clavicle ==== === Vicon Model Description === The clavicle segment is defined from the direction from the joint center to the thorax origin as the Z axis, and the shoulder wand direction as the secondary axis. The X axis for each clavicle points generally forwards, and the Y axis for the left points upwards, and the right clavicle Y axis points downwards. === Visual 3D Model Construction === The clavicle is not modeled in Visual 3D since it is not used to calculate kinematics and kinetics. ==== Elbow and Wrist Joint Centers ==== For this tutorial we will be assuming that the wrist markers are located on the wrist and not on a wrist bar. === Vicon Model Description === == Elbow Joint Center == A construction vector direction is defined, being perpendicular to the plane defined by the shoulder joint center, the elbow marker (LELB) and the midpoint of the two wrist markers (LWRA, LWRB). The elbow joint center is the defined using the chord function, in the plane defined by the shoulder joint center, the elbow marker and the previously defined construction vector. == Wrist Joint Center == This description assumes that a wrist bar is used. The wrist joint center (WJC) is then calculated. In this case the chord function is not used. The wrist joint center is simply offset from the midpoint of the wrist bar markers along a line perpendicular to the line along the wrist bar, and the line joining the wrist bar midpoint to the elbow joint center. === Visual 3D Model Construction === == Wrist Joint Center == We first construct landmarks for the wrist joint centers (RWJC and LWJC) so we can use these landmarks in the elbow joint center calculations. A wrist bar is not used. The markers are placed directly on the wrists. The wrist joint center is calculated as a point midway between the two wrist markers (WRA amd WRB). To create the right wrist joint center landmark **RWJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //RWJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //RWRA// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RWRB// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** {{:Golem_RWJC1.jpg}} To create the left wrist joint center landmark **LWJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //LWJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LWRA// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //LWRB// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //.5// - Check the **Offset by Percent (1.0=100%) (Meters when not checked)** - Click **Apply.** == Elbow Joint Center == Now that the wrist joint center landmarks are created, we can now creare the elbow joint centers. The REJC landmark is created from a plane defined by RELB, RSHJC, and RWJC and the -(RELBOWOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2 in the ML direction. To create the right elbow joint center landmark **REJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //REJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //RELB// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RSHJC// - In the **Lateral object** box, enter //RWJC// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //-(RELBOWOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2// - Click **Apply.** {{:Golem_REJC1.jpg}} The LEJC landmark is created from a plane defined by LELB, LSHJC, and LWJC and the -(LELBOWOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2 in the ML direction. To create the left elbow joint center landmark **LEJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //LEJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LELB// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //LSHJC// - In the **Lateral object** box, enter //LWJC// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **AXIAL** enter //-(LELBOWOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2// - Click **Apply.** ==== Upper Arm ==== === Vicon Model Description === The Humerus is then defined with it's origin at the EJC, a principal Z axis from EJC to SJC, and a secondary line approximating to the X axis between the EJC and the WJC. === Visual 3D Model Construction === To create the Right Upper Arm segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Right Upper Arm// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from REJC to RSHJC. The proximal radius is defined as RELBOWOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is RShoulderOFFSET. The anterior direction is found from the RWJC marker. Tracking markers are RELB, REJC, RSHJC, RSHO, and RUPA. The origin is REJC. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //REJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //RELBOWOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //RSHJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //RShoulderOFFSET// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Anterior// for the **Location.** and //RWJC// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //REJC//, //RSHJC//, //RSHO//, //RUPA//, and //RELB//. - Click on **Build Model** {{:Golem_upperarm1.jpg}} **Note: the above image shows RSHJC1 for the RSHJC.** You should now see a right upper arm segment on your standing model. The upper arm coordinate system and graphic are not oriented correctly. If you do not see the upper arm segment after clicking Build Model, double check the values you entered in the last step. We need to rotate the coordinate system to the correct orientation. To modify the coordinate system. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Modify segment coordinate system** tab - Select //-X// in the **A/P axis** and //-Z// in **Distal to Proximal** - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** To create the Left Upper Arm segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Left Upper Arm// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from LEJC to LSHJC. The proximal radius is defined as LELBOWOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is LShoulderOFFSET. The anterior direction is found from the LWJC marker. Tracking markers are LELB, LEJC, LSHJC, LSHO, and LUPA. The origin is LEJC. To define the left Upper Arm: - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //LEJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //LELBOWOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //LSHJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //LShoulderOFFSET// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Anterior// for the **Location.** and //LWJC// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //LEJC//, //LSHJC//, //LSHO//, //LUPA//, and //LELB//. - Click on **Build Model** You should now see a left upper arm segment on your standing model. The upper arm coordinate system and graphic are not oriented correctly. If you do not see the upper arm segment after clicking Build Model, double check the values you entered in the last step. We need to rotate the coordinate system to the correct orientation. To modify the coordinate system. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Modify segment coordinate system** tab - Select //X// in the **A/P axis** and //-Z// in **Distal to Proximal** - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** {{:Golem_upperarms.jpg}} **Note: upper arm bone graphic is not oriented correctly** ==== Forearm ==== === Vicon Model Description === The forearm origin is set at the wrist joint center. The principal axis is the Z axis, from the WJC to the EJC. The secondary line approximating to the Y axis is taken as the Y axis of the upper arm segment. === Visual 3D Model Construction === To create the Right Forearm segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Right Forearm// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from RWJC to REJC. The proximal radius is defined as RWRISTOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is RELBOWOFFSET/2. The lateral direction is found from the RWJC marker. Tracking markers are RELB, REJC, RSHJC, RSHO, RUPA, and RWJC. The origin is RELB. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //RWJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //RWRISTOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //REJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //RELBOWOFFSET/2// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Lateral// for the **Location.** and //RELB// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //REJC//, //RWJC//, //RELB//, //RFRA//, //RWRA//, and //RWRB//. - Click on **Build Model** {{:Golem_forearm.jpg}} To create the Left Forearm segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Left Forearm// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from LWJC to LEJC. The proximal radius is defined as LWRISTOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is LELBOWOFFSET/2. The lateral direction is found from the LELB marker. Tracking markers are LELB, LEJC, LWJC, LFRA, LWRA, and LWRB. The origin is LEJC. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //LWJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //LWRISTOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //LEJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //LELBOWOFFSET/2// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Lateral// for the **Location.** and //LELB// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //LEJC//, //LWJC//, //LELB//, //LFRA//, //LWRA//, and //LWRB//. - Click on **Build Model** {{:Golem_forearms.jpg}} **Note: forearm bone graphic is not oriented correctly** ==== Hand Joint Center ==== === Vicon Model Description === The hand is defined by first defining it's origin. The chord function is used again for this, with the WJC, FIN marker and Hand Offset. The midpoint of the wrist bar markers is used to define the plane of calculation. This description assumes the use of wrist of a bar. === Visual 3D Model Construction === The RHANDJC landmark is created from a plane defined by RWJC, RWRA, RFIN, and and the -(RHANDOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2 in the ML direction. To create the right wrist joint center landmark **RHANDJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //RHANDJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //RFIN// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //RWRA// - In the **Lateral object** box, enter //RWJC// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **ML** enter //-(RHANDOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2// - Click **Apply.** {{:Golem_RHANDJC1.jpg}} The LHANDJC landmark is created from a plane defined by LWJC, LWRA, LFIN, and and the -(LHANDOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2 in the ML direction. To create the left wrist joint center landmark **LHANDJC**: - Click on the **Landmarks** TAB - Click on **Add New Landmark** tab - In the **Landmark Name** box, enter //LHANDJC// - In the **Starting Point** box, enter //LFIN// - In the **Ending Point** box, enter //LWRA// - In the **Lateral object** box, enter //LWJC// - From the **Offset Using the Following AP/ML/Axial Offsets** box, in the **ML** enter //-(LHANDOFFSET+Marker_Diameter)/2// - Click **Apply.** ==== Hand ==== === Vicon Model Description === The principal Z axis is then taken as the line from the hand origin to the WJC, and a secondary line approximating the Y axis is defined by direction of the line joining the wrist bar markers. === Visual 3D Model Construction === To create the Right Hand segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Right Hand// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from RWJC to RHANDJC. The proximal radius is defined as RWRISTOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is RHANDOFFSET/2. The posterior direction is found from the RFIN marker. Tracking markers are RFIN, RWRA, and RWRB. The origin is RWJC. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //RWJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //RWRISTOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //RHANDJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //RHANDOFFSET/2// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Posterior// for the **Location.** and //RFIN// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //RFIN//, //RWRA//, and //RWRB//. - Click on **Build Model** You should now see the right hand segment on your standing model. The right hand segment coordinate system and graphic are not oriented correctly. If you do not see the hand segment after clicking Build Model, double check the values you entered in the last step. We need to rotate the coordinate system to the correct orientation. {{:Golem_Hand.jpg}} To modify the right hand segment coordinate system. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Modify segment coordinate system** tab - Select //-Y// in the **A/P axis** and //+Z// in **Distal to Proximal** - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** To modify the right hand segment graphic. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Rotate/Scale Graphic Model** tab - Select //Rotate// and in the **Clockwise Rotation** enter //-90// - Select //Scale// and in the **Scale Height** enter //150//,in the **Scale Width** enter //150//, and in the **Scale Depth** enter //150//. - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** To create the Left Hand segment in Visual 3D: - Click on **Segments** tab - From the **Segment Name** box, enter //Left Hand// - From the **Segment Type** box, select //Visual 3D.// - Click **Create.** A dialog will open that will allow us to define the segment. The Z axis, pointing upwards, is the predominant axis. This is defined as the direction from LWJC to LFIN. The proximal radius is defined as LWRISTOFFSET/2 and the distal radius is RHANDOFFSET/2. The posterior direction is found from the LFIN marker. Tracking markers are LFIN, LWRA, and LWRB. The origin is LWJC. - In the **Define Proximal Joint and Radius** section, select //LWJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Proximal Radius** box, enter //LWRISTOFFSET/2//. - In the **Define Distal Joint and Radius** section, select //LHANDJC// for the **Joint.** - In the **Distal Radius** box, enter //RHANDOFFSET/2// - In the **Extra Target to Define Orientation** section, select //Posterior// for the **Location.** and //LFIN// for the marker. - In the **Select Tracking Targets**, click on //LFIN//, //LWRA//, and //LWRB//. - Click on **Build Model** To modify the left hand segment coordinate system. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Modify segment coordinate system** tab - Select //-Y// in the **A/P axis** and //+Z// in **Distal to Proximal** - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** To modify the left hand segment graphic. - Click on the **Segment Properties** TAB - Click on **Rotate/Scale Graphic Model** tab - Select //Rotate// and in the **Clockwise Rotation** enter //90// - Select //Scale// and in the **Scale Height** enter //150//,in the **Scale Width** enter //150//, and in the **Scale Depth** enter //150//. - Click on **Ok** - Click on **Apply** {{:Golem.jpg}} ===== Summary ===== This tutorial walked you through Visual 3D construction of the Golem upper body model. At this time, no comparisons have been made between this model and the one provided by Vicon. The tutorial was not meant to be comprehensive and variations may exist between this version of the Golem model and the Vicon Golem model. ===== References ===== * **PIGModeling** Vicon documentation * **Golem Bodybuilder Model** Vicon documentation * **PIGManualver1** Vicon documentation