====== Meta Command Creation ====== ==== Combining Pipeline Scripts into a Meta-Command ==== This is an example for creating a meta-command in Visual3D. 1. Suppose you have a pipeline script that generates a metric or some sort of result. 2. Suppose also, that you have a second script that needs the result of the first script. 3. Finally suppose you are tired of calling 2 scripts and want to do it all at once. \\ Here is an extremely simplistic example. Script1 below prompts you to enter a number, and script2 prints it out. (Note: Naturally, these scripts will not run separated like this – the input value would have to be stored somewhere. Using a Call_Script command also fails because it does not pass data.) \\ Script1.v3s: Prompt_For_Pipeline_Parameter_Value /PIPELINE_PARAMETER_NAME=the_input_number /PROMPT=Pick a number! ; \\ Script2.v3s: Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=output_text /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX=Your number was... /PARAMETER_VALUE=::the_input_number ; Here is a process to modify the scripts so that they work together:\\ - Convert the second script to a meta-command\\ - Save the new meta-command in the proper Visual3D directory\\ - Edit the first script to call the meta-command\\ \\ Edit **Script2.v3s** and change it to the following, and save it as **number_game.v3m**. //Note that the meta-command syntax is simply a few lines as a header, and then changing any input parameter names to match. For the syntax of the header see [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Meta_Commands:Meta_Commands_Overview|Pipeline_Commands:Meta_Commands]].// ! BEGIN_META ! META_CMD_NAME=number_game ! META_PARAM= THE_NUM: string ::yes ! END_META Set_Pipeline_Parameter /PARAMETER_NAME=output_text /PARAMETER_VALUE_PREFIX=Your number was... /PARAMETER_VALUE=::THE_NUM ; Copy the file **number_game.v3m** to the meta-command directory: Possibly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual3D v5\ Plugins\Meta-Commands \\ Edit **Script1.v3s** and change it to the following: Prompt_For_Pipeline_Parameter_Value /PIPELINE_PARAMETER_NAME=the_input_number /PROMPT=Pick a number! ; number_game /THE_NUM=::the_input_number ; That’s it. Restart Visual3D and run the new **script1.v3s**. Note also that if you copy script1.v3s to C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual3D v5\Plugins\Scripts then the script will show up in the box on the workspace tab in Visual3D for easy access.