====== Creating a Report ====== ===== Objectives ===== The objective of this tutorial is **to provide an overview of reporting in Visual3D.** If you would like to follow along with this tutorial in a video format, then please select the following link: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1CApSwg828|Visual3D Tutorial Video 8: Creating Reports]] Visual3D creates a **Workspace** into which all data is stored, models are integrated, and reports are produced. The entire workspace can be saved and shared as a digital report in which all the underlying analysis, data, and models can be accessed. Every Visual3D workspace includes exactly one report, which is initially blank, and to which you may add any number of distinct pages. In a sense, the entire workspace is itself a kind of extended electronic report, which contains not only the contents of the Reporting page but also all of the original data and records of all data-processing steps. Visual3D reports are laid out according to a row/column structure. Each report page can have a distinct number of rows and columns, and you can specify that certain items span multiple rows or columns. Items which can be included in reports include graphs, tables, graphical representations of metrics (e.g. gait analysis metrics such as step length and cycle time), subject and laboratory information, and bitmap images imported from other programs. ===== Creating a Report Template ===== After you have created a report, you may choose to save a report template file, which saves not only the formal structure of the printed report, but actually the entire structure of the workspace, i.e., everything but the data. Provided you are consistent in naming your standing and movement trials, markers, etc., you can re-use such templates for many experiments of the same type (e.g., same experimental protocol, multiple subjects). ===== Opening a Report Template ===== To open a report template, select the File menu option "Open Report Template" This tutorial will create a simple report template, which can be created through the following tutorial, or a sample report template can be found [[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/CreatingReport_Tutorial_template.rgt|here]]. ===== Create Report Tutorial ===== This tutorial will walk you through the steps to creating a simple report.\\ * Page 1 of this report will display temporal distance measures using Visual3D's built in calculations.\\ * Page 2 of this report will display a simple 2D graph of sagittal knee kinematics.\\ For more information about all report options offered by Visual3D (e.g. images, text/metric tables, subject information), please view the [[visual3d:documentation:reports:reports_overview|Reports Overview]] Wiki page. ==== Prepare for the Tutorial ==== To prepare for the tutorial, download the following ZIP file for required materials for successful completion of this tutorial: [[https://has-motion.com/download/YouTubeTutorial/Visual3D Tutorial 8 Creating Reports.zip|Visual3D Tutorial 8 Sample Data]]. This file contains: * **CreatingReports_Tutorial_Start.cmz**: The starting point for this tutorial, CMZ file containing //StandingStaticCal2.c3d// as the static/calibration file and a series of motion files with the name //NWalk000#.c3d// * **CreatingReports_Tutorial_EndResult.cmz**: CMZ file saved after completion of tutorial. * **CreatingReports_Tutorial_Template.rgt**: Template file of completed report and the end of the tutorial. \\ Additionally, within the CMZ, it contains: - Pre-defined joint angles. For more information about defining joint angles, please see the tutorial on creating [[visual3d:tutorials:kinematics_and_kinetics:model_based_computations|Compute_Model_Based_Data]] - Gait Event Labels (e.g. heel strikes and toe offs). LHS/LTO events indicate kinematic events (no force data available for that gait cycle), and LON/LOFF indicate kinetic events (force data). Events were created using the [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:event_commands:automatic_gait_events|Automatic_Gait_Events]] pipeline command. - Tag name "Walk", for more information about creating tag names please see [[visual3d:documentation:definitions:tag|TAGS]] - Click on the **Signals and Events** Tab to visualize the animation of the model based on the movement data and the model that was applied to it. If the animation doesn’t appear in the 3D Animation viewer, check the active file combo box on the toolbar. It should read **NWalk0001.c3d** rather than **ALL-FILES**. ==== Creating a Report ==== To start creating a report, switch to Reporting Mode by clicking on the **Reports** tab. The report elements should be blank.\\ {{:tutorial9_1.jpg}} ==== Report Temporal Distance Metrics ==== === To add a report page for temporal and distance metrics === - Select **Item to Add -> Temporal and Distance Metrics** and click on the **Add** button. \\ {{:tutorial9_2.jpg}} - Enter the **Gait Event Labels.** Selecting strict sequencing means that the events must occur in a specified gait order; e.g. * Right Heel Strike * Left Toe Off * Left Heel Strike * Right Toe Off \\ And then click Done. \\ **NOTE:** If a subject is walking on a **treadmill**, the treadmill speed (positive) must be entered in this window. The direction of the treadmill should indicate which direction the subject would have been progressing in the lab if there were no treadmill. To indicate positive Y direction, enter VECTOR(0,1,0) \\ {{:EditTemporalDistanceWindows_01.jpg}} - The following chart will appear on page 1 of the report. \\ {{:2ViewTemporalDistance_resize.jpg}} === To edit the temporal distance page of a report === - Open the **Temporal and Distance Metrics Window** by selecting temporal distance and clicking **Edit Selected** \\ {{:EditTemporalDistanceWindow_02.jpg}} - Select the desired metrics and click **Done** \\ {{:EditTemporalDistanceWindow_03.jpg}} - The new temporal distance measures will appear in the report \\ {{:4ViewTemporalDistance_resize.jpg}} ===== Report 2D Graph ===== Create another page by: - Clicking on the **Insert Page After** button - Select **2D Graph** from the drop down menu - Press **Add**, and the "Add/Modify Graph" Window will appear \\ {{:1aCreateNewPage.jpg}} ==== Draw 2D Graph ==== This section will create a 2D graph of sagittal knee kinematics being graphed as a percent of the gait cycle (from left heel strike to left heel strike). A vertical purple line will be graphed to represent left toe off. Once open, notice that the Add/Modify Graph dialog window is separated into four sections, Graph Title, Graph Properties, X Axis Properties, and Y Axis Properties. \\ {{:CreateGraph_resize.jpg}}\\ In the **Add/Modify Graph** Window: - **Graph Title Options**: - Enter **Sagittal Knee Kinematics** as the Graph Title - In Visual3Dv5 it is possible to change the font size and color of the Graph Title, but it is not possible in earlier versions - **Graph Properties**: - Location: - Column, Row, & Span should be set to 1 - Page should be set to 2 * NOTE: The report pages are separated into 5 rows and 5 columns, numbered 1 though 5, left-to-right, top-to-bottom. The span option defines the number of rows and column will the graph cover. - Files to Graph: Select **Walk** * NOTE: This box defines which file or file groups (see [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Tag|Tag]] for more detail) to be graphed. By default, **ALL_FILES** will be graphed. - Set Line Color to **Green** - Set Line Style to **Solid** - Select **Graph Mean** - Select **Graph Standard Deviation** - **X Axis Properties**: - X Axis Label: **Normalized (% gait cycle)** - Data Type: **FRAME_NUMBERS** - Data Name : **FRAMES** - Select: **Normalize 0% to 100%** (in the properties tab) - Graph within a range of events: - Range Begin: **LHS** - Range End: **LHS** - **Y Axis Properties**: - Y Axis Label: **Extension / Flexion (degrees)** - Data Type: **Link_Model_Based** and name = **Left_Knee_Angle** - Component : **X** - Folder: **ORIGINAL** === Local Annotations === NOTE: The annotations option allows you to view annotations on the graph based on events specified in your dynamic trials. In most cases, you would add annotations to graph after other properties have been defined. - To add an annotation: - Click **Local Annotations** - Annotations Editor dialog box will open, click **Add**. This will prompt the Annotations dialog box: \\ {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:annotationseditor_dialogbox.png?400|}} \\ - Annotation Style: **Vertical Line** - Color: **Purple** - Size: **Large** - Event Name or Numeric Value: **LTO** - Select **Average Event or Numeric Value** - Select **OK** The annotation should now appear in the Annotations Editor dialog box: \\ {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:annotationseditor2.png?400|}} \\ Select **OK** in the both the Annotations Editor dialog box and the Add/Modify Graph dialog. The following graph should appear: \\ {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:drawgraph_step1.png?800|}} \\ ==== Format 2D Graph ==== Next, we can learn to format the 2D graph that we have created. To re-enter the dialog box, select the graph by left clicking on the 2D, when a box will appear around it: {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:formatgraph_contextmenu_view.png?600|}} - Right click on the graph and select **Format Graph...** \\ {{:5FormatGraph_resize.jpg}} - Select **By Explicit Setting** from the Y Axis Scale dropdown: - Set Y Min: **-12** - Set Y Max: **70** - Check the box next to **Show Legend** - Select **Modify Legend** \\ {{:6Legend_resize.jpg}} - In the Legend Properties dialog box: - Check **Use Tag Name** - Set Location to **UR** - Select **OK** - Select **Apply** on the Graph Format dialog box The 2D graph should now display the tag name, "Walk", on the upper right hand corner, and the minimum/maximum values of the y-axis should be set from -12 to 70 degrees: \\ {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:formatted2dgraph.png?600|}} ==== Add Balloon Text ==== Next, we can add custom text to the **current page**. The balloon text will be specific to the page, not the current graph. * **NOTE**: This option is only available in Version5 - to add text annotations in earlier version, the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Report_Commands:Make_Text_Annotation|Make_Text_Annotation]] pipeline command must be used. \\ {{:8BalloonText_resize.jpg}} Add Balloon Text by: - Selecting **Balloon Text** from the drop down menu\\ - Press **Add**, and the "Edit Balloon Text Item" dialog box will appear \\ {{:9BalloonTextLHS1_resize.jpg}}\\ - Set position of balloon text: - Page should be set to **2** - Set Position across (0-100%) to **22** - Set Position down (0-100%) to **77** - **Uncheck** Draw box around text - Set Balloon Text Identifier to **LHS1** - Enter the text to be displayed: **LHS** - Select **OK** Create a second balloon text image by following the steps above and enter the following in the "Edit Balloon Text Item" dialog box: - Set position of balloon text: - Page should be set to **2** - Set Position across (0-100%) to **89** - Set Position down (0-100%) to **77** - **Uncheck** Draw box around text - Set Balloon Text Identifier to **LHS2** - Enter the text to be displayed: **LHS** - Select **OK** The text "LHS" should now appear at 0 and 100% of x-axis:\\ {{:visual3d:tutorials:reports:balloontextedit_2dgraph.png?800|}} \\ === Draw horizontal bars on a Report Graph === [[Visual3D:Documentation:Reports:2D_Horizontal_Bar|You can draw horizontal bars to indicate ON/OFF signals. Instructions to do this can be found here.]] \\ {{:BarGraph3.jpg}} ==== Using Search/Replace to create multiple pages ==== When creating reports with multiple pages using the same format, but graphing differently tagged items or using different events, it is possible to use the Search/Replace function to quickly create new pages. - First create a copy of the page using the //Duplicate Page// button. - Then go to the new duplicated page, and click the //Search/Replace// button to open the options. - From within this dialog box, select the old file tag or old event label, and the event or tag to replace it with, then click //add//. - This will automatically replace the old event or tag and replace it with the new one. ==== Save Report Template ==== Report templates may be saved so that they can be applied to other CMZ files. To save a report template, you can go to File -> Save Report Template. Or use the icon on the toolbar: In the Report Tab, an icon will appear to save the report template (see below). \\ {{:SaveReportTemplate.png}} * **NOTE:** As of Visual3Dv5, an error in the save report template was introduced. Although we are working to fix this error, it occurs intermittently, so it is difficult to track down the issue. If an error comes up when trying to save the report template, save the CMZ file you are currently working on, clear the workspace (File -> New), and re-open the CMZ file. You will now be able to save the report template successfully. ===== On-Screen Report Presentation ===== Once the report is finalized, click the **Edit Report** button to exit the report editing function and display the 3D animation viewer instead. \\ {{:EditReport_resize.jpg}}\\ \\ ---- \\ **Plotting Normal Data:**\\ Normal data can be added to a report. For instructions to plot normal data, please view the [[Visual3D:Tutorials:Reports:Plotting_Normal_Data_|Plotting Normal Data Tutorial]].\\ Before plotting normal data, an average data file must be created from the CMO Library. Instructions to create an average data file can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Reports:Normative_Data_From_CMO_Library|here]].\\ \\ ===== Scripting Report Templates ===== Report templates may also be created using the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Report_Commands:Make_Line_Graph|Make_Line_Graph]] pipeline command. In conjunction with the Make_Line_Graph command, [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Pipeline_Commands:For_Each_and_End_For_Each|For_Each]] loops can be used to create a report template in a few steps. Before creating a Report Template from a script, it is important to understand that the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:RECALC_Pipeline|RECALC pipeline]] (which saves the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Visual3D_Signal_Types:LINK_MODEL_BASED_Data_Type|COMPUTE_MODEL_BASED_DATA]] commands) is also saved in the .rgt file (the report template file).\\ \\ An example of how to create a simple report template using a pipeline script can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Reports:Scripting_Report_Templates|here]].\\ * **NOTE:** Using this method requires a prior knowledge of writing pipeline scripts, and it is suggested to complete the pipeline tutorials prior to testing this method.\\