Table of Contents



The Track program accepts a .cen file, the Tracking parameters, and a .cal file, and runs without any user intervention to produce a .seg file containing three-dimensional segments reconstructed from the image data. A segment is a 3D trajectory of points extending over multiple frames that is reconstructed from image data, and it may or may not represent an actual marker.

During tracking the program uses the system calibration data to transform all rays (a ray is a measured line from a marker to a camera) from every imaged marker, for every camera, to the Global Coordinate System. In each frame it then it searches through all rays to find ones which pass in close proximity to each other in order to identify rays belonging to the same marker. The clusters of ray intersections are then reduced to single points to represent the most likely locations of the markers, and these point positions are then tracked across frames to yield segments. If a marker is not observed by at least two cameras its segment will terminate, to be commenced again as a new segment when it is again observed by at least two cameras.

Hence we define a point as an instance of a segment at the time of a particular frame. Note that every point may not be representative of a marker because the Track program may create “ghost markers” from the accidental intersection of rays from different sources. Also, a marker may not always result in a point, for example when it is not recorded by at least two cameras.

The ability of the Track program to reliably identify rays that belong to the same marker is strongly dependent upon the accuracy of the calibration. Rays that do not tightly intersect (have high residuals) cannot reliably be assigned to a single marker, resulting in poor tracking, “ghost markers” (caused by the program combining rays that actually come from different markers), and gaps in the marker segments. Hence, even if your experimental requirements do not call for high accuracy, the quality of the calibration is critical to effective marker trajectory generation.

All marker (point) positions are expressed in the user distance units in the Global Coordinate System as defined by the reference markers during the system calibration.

Track parameters

The Track parameters influence the 3D reconstruction and formation of the segments.


Once some data has been tracked you can use the Plot residuals capability in Identify to evaluate your choice for this parameter.

The next four parameters are only used by the Track function when started by use of the Track button in the AMASS shell.


The view may be rotated and tilted by dragging with the left mouse button. Dragging up-down with the right mouse button performs zooming of the view, while left-right dragging changes the lengths of the rays that are displayed. Right double-clicking on a marker makes that marker the center of the display.

Note that the current implementation is preliminary and only a single frame can be displayed from a .seg file.

For a description of the additional parameters in the View3D group box, see View3D.

Tracking issues

No segments produced

This condition is usually the result of tracking with an old calibration file that is no longer correct for your camera setup. Recalibrate your system often, and especially of any of the cameras have been disturbed.

Another possible cause might be the system renumbering of the cameras between the calibration and trial data captures. This condition could result from a system hardware reset, or the physical reconfiguring of the camera cable connections.

Numerous short segments

The possible causes are

If you have a sufficient number of cameras, setting Minimum cameras to 3 will eliminate most artifacts resulting from reflections and false ray intersections.

Segment crossovers

A segment crossover occurs when a segment from one marker gets connected to a segment of a different marker. This can happen when you use the Connect gap capability during tracking and that parameter is set too large. If this is an issue, set Connect gap to zero to turn off the connecting utility. Using Segment trim may also be very helpful.

It is also possible to get segment crossovers within a segment if the Predictor error is too large. The Predictor error value should always be less than the minimum separation of any markers.

Missing frames during capture

In some situations the Capture2D program may drop frames during camera data capture, especially if you are collecting data at high frame rates from many cameras. The situation can be complicated by other software that is also running on the data capture computer. Refer to the //**Capture2D**// documentation for recommendations.