Image Preview

The Image Preview widget enables you to try out the different image correction options before correcting the X-ray trial images. To use it on an uncorrected trial, load the subject file, select the trial, then choose the Load Raw option. This will load the uncorrected X-ray image files. Then use this widget to experiment with the various filters. After turning on and setting up several filters, you can toggle individual filters on and off to see their specific effects. The filters are applied in the order that they are listed in the widget.

This widget does not apply non-uniformity or distortion correction to the images; it is only for experimenting with the intensity manipulation, smoothing, and resizing filters to see which ones produce the best images for tracking. However, if you copy the preview parameters to the Image Correction widget and correct the trial normally, the trial will be processed with the full correction pipeline, including non-uniformity and distortion correction, if selected.