Points of Interest

Points of interest (POIs) are features of an object that you are planning to track in X-ray motion trials using Locate3D. They are most commonly used for radiopaque beads implanted in an object whose motion you want to measure. They are distinguished from landmarks, which are object features whose locations you want to calculate once the object pose is known. A common type of landmark is ligament attachment sites. Thus, POIs are used to determine the pose of an object and landmarks are used to calculate locations dependent on the pose.

Although the POI widget has commands for adding and deleting POIs, it is recommended that you use xManager to define them, where you can specify their radii and colors for display in the GUI. In order to track a POI in Locate3D, its radius must be specified so that the circle-finding algorithm can estimate its size in the X-ray images. Once they have been added to an object in xManager, you can use Surface3D to define their locations. If you do create new POIs in Surface3D, be sure to go back to xManager later to define their radii and colors.