Table of Contents

Surface3D Overview

Surface3D segments objects (bones, implants, etc.) from CT data for use in model-based tracking, and it creates surface models of these objects for subsequent kinematic analysis of the tracking results. After segmenting an object from the CT data, the CT data can be cropped and masked, and then saved to a RAW or TIFF file. These cropped image files with just one object in them, are used by X4D to generate DRRs for model-based tracking. It can also generate a polygonal surface model from the currently segmented object using a marching cubes algorithm, and save it to an OBJ file. The surface models are used by Orient3D to define anatomical references and regions of interest (for distance map calculations), and by Visual3D for kinematic analysis. Surface3D also allows you to identify landmarks (e.g., ligament attachments) and points of interest (e.g., implanted beads) in the image data.


Surface3D Basics
How To: Segment Image Data and Create Surface Models
How To: Work with Multiple DICOM Stacks
Image and Surface Files
How To: Import Third-Party Image and Surface Files
File Menu

View Menu

Segmentation Menu

Image Menu

Model Menu

Options Menu

Help Menu


Object Configuration
Histogram of Image
Points of Interest

Image Data Windows

2D Views
3D View