Surface3D Parameters

Auto Hole Threshold

Specifies the size (in number of voxels) of the largest volume that will be filled by the auto hole-filling command. This command works by finding each unlabelled voxel next to a labelled voxel and using a flood-fill algorithm to find all unlabelled voxels that are connected to it. If the size of this region is less than Auto Hole Threshold, then the region is labelled with the current label. The default value is 2000. Decimation Factor

Specifies the approximate percentage of polygons that will be removed from the object surface during decimation (Model → Decimate Surface Model). The default value is 0.2, meaning that approximately 20% of the polygons will be removed each time the decimate command is performed. Feature Edge Smoothing

Turns on (true) and off (false) smoothing of sharp interior edges on the surface model during smoothing (Model → Smooth Surface Model). The default value is false. Paintbrush Radius

The radius (in voxels) of the circular paintbrush that is used for label painting and label erasing. The default value is 5. Relaxation Factor

Specifies the relaxation factor for the Laplacian smoothing performed by the smoothing command (Model → Smooth Surface Model). The default value is 0.2. Smoothing Iterations

The number of iterations of Laplacian smoothing performed by the smoothing command (Model → Smooth Surface Model). The default value is 300. Text Radius

Scale factor for POI and landmark text labels. The default value is 0.75. Undo Limit

The maximum number of label editing actions that can be undone. The default value is 10.