Table of Contents


The tool bar originally appears at the top left hand side of the page. Its sections can be repositioned or made to float outside the window by selecting the set of vertical dots on the left side of the section and dragging it into your desired new position. Right-clicking on the toolbar causes a dropdown menu to appear that allows you to show or hide any of the tool bar sections.


Clear Workspace: clear all the graphs, queries and library paths

Load Workspace: open an application workspace that you had previously created and saved to an .i3d file. This workspace includes query definitions and plots.

Save Workspace As: saves the application workspace

Save Workspace: save the current application workspace

Show Options: opens the Options Dialog

Load Library: opens the Library Dialog

Query Definitions: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:

Layout Options: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:


Export Results: Opens the Export Results dialog where users can export data and results to various text file formats.

Recompute Groups: Reloads the list of queries. Users are given the option to update CMZ files with excluded data before re-querying.

Update CMZs: opens the Update CMZs dialog where users can make changes to the original CMZ files by:

Graph Options

Show Animation: opens an animation window that plays the 3D data for all the selected data in the graph.

Show Video: opens the video dialog.

Display list of graphs: select one graph to display or all graphs:

Rescale Graphs: scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.

Highlight All Data re-highlights all plotted data.

Modify Excluded data:


PCA Options opens a dropdown menu with the following items:


Documentation: provides quick access to select Inspect3D wiki pages: