Table of Contents


Listed below are the solutions to common problems that have been reported to the Has-Motion support team. For step-by-step instructions on how to use the various features available in Sift visit our Tutorials Page. If you have a problem that has not been covered below or in the Sift tutorials feel free to e-mail the support team at

Working Data

All Grouped Data

All data/workspaces that were queried, regardless of what is plotted.

All Plotted Groups

Only perform work on the groups that are plotted on all plots. Work can be performed on:

All Workspaces

Only perform work on the groups that are plotted in the active plot.

All Highlighted Data

Only data that is highlighted

Graph is missing data

If you plot data and there are empty data points, you may end up with a straight line at -9999999:

Most calculations (mean, standard deviation, etc) will handle empty data points without an issue, so you can choose not to plot data not found:

You can also choose to exclude this data by selecting this data, right clicking → Exclude → Exclude trace (raw data).

NOTE: Most calculations handle data not found, however, the input to PCA should not contain any missing data points.