Table of Contents

Visual3D ASCII Format

Visual3D exports data into several file formats. The simplest and default file format for data export to ASCII files is the following:

Any signal that can be seen in the Data Tree (in Signal and Event Processing Mode) can be exported to a C3D file.

- C:ExampleDataExampleWalk.c3dFilename from which the data came.
e.g. Filename withing the Visual3D Workspace
- EMG9 Signal Name
- ANALOG Signal Type
- ORIGINAL Signal Folder (e.g. ORIGINAL, PROCESSED, etc.)
ITEMX Component. (ANALOG signals have channel 0 or channel X
1 23.0 -
2 22.5 -
3 23.0 -
4 22.0 -
5 21.0 -

The file contains data in columns. The first column is the frame number. One file may contain several signals.

Time Data

Visual3D recognizes three time labels:

An example header:

1 0.0 0.0 0.0


Thss is a column containing the time at POINT rate


This is a column containing the time at ANALOG rate


This is a column containing the time at DERIVED rate.

DERIVED signals can have any sampling rate that is an integer multiple of the POINT rate. Each ASCII file permits only one DERIVEDTIME signal.

It there is more than on DERIVEDTIME signal, you will need to import multiple text files; one for each DERIVEDTIME.

Signal Units

All signals are stored in MKS units.

Exporting Data

This data file can be exported from Visual3D using the pipeline command Export_Data_To_ASCII_File

Importing Data

This data file can be imported to Visual3D using the pipeline command Import_Data_From_ASCII_File.

First Row

One of the constraints on the file import is that the first line of the signal column must match a C3D file in the Visual3D Workspace. This allows Visual3D to recognize which file to add the data to.

Number of Analog and Point frames

For ANALOG and TARGET (POINT) data the following rules apply: If there are more frames of data in the ASCII file than there are in the C3D file, the ASCII signal is truncated.

If there are fewer frames of data in the ASCII file than there are in the C3D file, the signal is padded with frames of data containing DATA_NOT_FOUND.

Note: For DERIVED signals all rows are added to the data file within Visual3D without truncation or padding. This is partly because DERIVED signals cannot be exported to the C3D file at this point, so there is no conflict with the C3D file format.