Table of Contents

Segment Properties Example

This example specifies segment properties from pipeline commands. For a variety of legacy reasons, Visual3D does not allow users to specify the segment depth as an expression. This limitation means that the command Set_Model_Metric cannot be used for segment depth.

Prompted by a customer that wanted to use a pipeline command to modify segment depth we documented this in several pipeline examples.

NOTE: As of Visual3Dv5.01.20, user's are able to enter equations into the depth measurements for the Pelvis and Thorax.

Specifying segment properties from a value

This example is for the Pelvis and assumes that the Pelvis segment has been constructed.

! First set a pipeline parameter for the segment depth
! This value could be obtained by prompting the user or in this case is set to 0.12 

! Explicitly set the mass and inertial properties for an elliptical cylinder
! This example is for the Pelvis segment

Specifying segment properties from a metric

There are two examples: one for the pelvis segment and one for the Thorax.


Create a metric to compute the depth as the distance between two markers/landmarks. This example is for the Pelvis and assumes that the Pelvis segment has ben constructed. In addition, the landmark MID_ASIS has been created.

! Set Global active


! First set a pipeline parameter for the segment depth

! Explicitly set the mass and inertial properties for an elliptical cylinder
! This example is for the Pelvis segment


This example is for the Thorax and assumes that the Thorax segment has ben constructed. Since Visual3D does not allow users to specify the segment depth as an expression, a user could construct the Thorax segment with a “dummy” depth number (0.12) and use the pipeline below to calculate a depth value based on targets/landmarks on the segment.

! Set Thorax Depth 


! The cylindrical depth is equal to one-half the distance from anterior to posterior.

! First set a pipeline parameter for the segment depth

! Explicitly set the mass and inertial properties for an elliptical cylinder for the Thorax segment