Metric Dot Product

Creates a dot product of two metric vectors.

The command acts on the active files.

Command Syntax

Metric_Dot_Product /Metric1_File=The movement trial containing the first metric value /Metric1_Name= The name of the metric signal to be evaluated /Metric1_Folder= The name of the metric signal folder /Metric2_File= The movement trial containing the second metric value /Metric2_Name= The name of the metric signal to be evaluated /Metric2_Folder= The name of the metric signal folder /Divide_By_Metric2_Length= (True or False) Divide the resulting signal by the length of the second metric /Result_Metric_Name= The name of the Resulting Metric Signal /Generate_Mean_And_StdDev= (True or False)Generate the mean and standard deviation for all of the metrics created /Append_to_Existing_Values= (True or False)Append this list of metrics to an existing metric of the same result name ;


If Metric1_File or Metric2_File are empty, Visual3D uses each active file when processing the command.

These parameters exist because the user may want to compute the dot product relative to a signal in the GLOBAL workspace or a specified file.


When this is true, a unit vector of Metric2 is used.


The results are concatenated to an existing signal.