Metric Event Sequence Count

Creates a metric containing the number of Event Sequences.

\\ Metric_Event_Sequence_Count\\ ! /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=The resulting folder of the metric \\ /RESULT_METRIC_NAME= The resulting name of the metric \\ ! /TIME_INTERVAL= The number of event sequences which occur\\   within a time interval\\ /EVENT_SEQUENCE= The event sequence to search for and count \\ /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= Don't count a sequence that contains this \\  event \\ ! /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL= Create a global count\\   over the active files\\ ;\\ 


The Time_Interval parameter can be used to count the number of events that occur within a specific interval.

Command Setup

If a trial is 20 seconds long, and a 5.0 second interval is specified, the result will be 4 metrics. Each metric will contain the number of event sequences which occur within each 5.0 second window.

\\ Metric_Event_Sequence_Count\\ ! /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER= PROCESSED\\ /RESULT_METRIC_NAME= LSWING_COUNT_INT\\ /TIME_INTERVAL= 5.0\\ /EVENT_SEQUENCE= The event sequence to search for and count \\ /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= Don't count a sequence that contains this \\  event \\ ! /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL= Create a global count\\   over the active files\\ ;\\ 


When using a 5 second interval on a 20 second trial, the result will be four metrics (20/5).

(1) The first metric will contain the number of times the sequence occurs during the first 5 seconds of the trial
(2) The second metric will contain the number of times the sequence occurs during the 5 - 10 second interval of the trial
(3) The third metric will contain the number of times the sequence occurs during the 10 - 15 second interval of the trial
(4) The fourth metric will contain the number of times the sequence occurs during the 15 - 20 second interval of the trial

NOTE: If the event sequence occurs between two intervals (LTO occurs at 4 sec and LHS occurs at 6 sec), this sequence will be included in Interval 1.