Set Default Folders


Plugin Folder Visual3D searches this folder for Visual3D Plugins. These plugins may be processing plugins that will appear in the list of Pipeline commands, or they may be Real_Time plugins that will appear in the options for Real-Time Streaming
Segment Graphics Folder The animation models associated with the model segments are stored in. If no path to an object file is selected in the Segment Properties dialog, Visual3D searches hear for the file.
Script Repository FolderDefault folder for Pipelines. Used mainly for the Popup Wizard.
Report Template Folder Current default FOLDER for the report template. Reset every time a Report Template is opened.
Model Folder Current default FOLDER for the standing trial. Reset every time a Hybrid Model is created.
Motion File Folder Current default FOLDER for the motion trial. Reset every time a movement file is opened.
Default Data Folder The pipeline commands may refer to the default data folder as


To refer to the default folder

Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_Folder_Path /PARAMETER_NAME=FOLDER /PARAMETER_VALUE=VISUAL3D_DEFAULT_FOLDER ; To identify all the CMO files in this folder and all sub folders:

Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_Files /PARAMETER_NAME= the name of the Pipeline Parameter created /FOLDER= The folder from which to start the search /SEARCH_SUBFOLDERS=TRUE ! /FILE_MASK=*.cmo ;