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Set Pipeline Parameter

Pipeline parameters can be created in the pipeline and used as variables in other commands in the same pipeline.

/Parameter_Name= The name of the Pipeline Parameter. The parameter is referred to by other commands using two colons (::) in front of the parameter name
/Parameter_Value= The value of the parameter. If a “+” delimeter is used in the value, the text string is maintained so that the Pipeline parameter is interpreted as multiple values when used in a command. If a “+” delimeter is used in the value, the entries in the line are concatenated, and will be treated as a single value when they are used in another command.
/Parameter_Value_Replace_With=A string of characters that will replace the “search for” string. This can be useful if you want to replace some of the terms within an existing Global Parameter value
/Multi_Pass= FALSE -;

Example: Set Pipeline Values via Search and Replace

This example sets pipeline parameters and new values via search and replace. The pipeline parameter original and the string value replacethexxxx, is set to the pipeline parameter newparameter and replaced with the string replacethezzzz.

!Set the Pipeline parameter original to the value replacethexxxx

! Set the Pipeline parameter newparameter to a new value replacethezzzz by replacing
! part of the string zzzz for xxxx

Example: Set Pipeline Parameter Value to a String

For example, the following command creates a global parameter SIGNALS which contains the string RightFoot1+RightFoot2+RightFoot3. A low pass filter is run on the pipeline parameter SIGNALS.


! All three signals will be processed with low pass filter 

Example: Search and Replace + Sign

The plus sign typically indicates different a list of values, but sometimes a user may want to search and replace a plus sign. This is allowed if the user types \+. An example is below:


Result: ::TEST = A - B


Result: ::TEST = A + B

Example: Set Pipeline Parameter Multi-Pass

MultiPass was introduced january 21, 2014

The resulting parameter could be a new pipeline parameter

for example, the resulting string could be ::VALUE If MultiPass were true, this should return the value of the parameter VALUE not the string ::VALUE example:


Pipeline Parameter : ::TEST = SCOTT


Pipeline Parameter : ::ONE = KEITH


Pipeline Parameter : ::SCOTTKEITH = 7




Pipeline Parameter : ::FINAL = ::SCOTTKEITH

if we set MULTI_PASS= TRUE


Pipeline Parameter : ::FINAL = 7

NOTE: If the above does not work (if FINAL is not set to 7, and MULTI_PASS is set to TRUE), instead of writing “::SCOTTKEITH”, use “:&:&::SCOTTKEITH”.