FFT Filter

Filter (Lowpass or Highpass) a signal using a Fast Fourier Transform. The algorithm uses the Fourier harmonic closest to the requested cutoff frequency.

The base frequency of the FFT reconstruction is:

FREQ= 1/(total time) The maximum frequency of the FFT is:

FREQ_MAS= FREQ * NumFrames / 2 The actual cutoff frequency is the closest multiple of the base frequency to the requested cutoff frequency

FFT_Filter /Signal_Types= The type of signal to be processed /Signal_Names= The names of the signals to be processed /Signal_Folder= The name of the signal folder /Result_Suffix= The ouput signal can have a suffix that can be applied to the original signal name /Result_Folder= The data tree folder that the resulting signal is placed. /Frequency_Cutoff= Requested Cutoff Frequency /Lowpass= True= Lowpass - False= Highpass ;