Table of Contents

Building a 6 DOF Model- Segment Properties

Segment Properties

The following properties are computed based on the calibration of the segment proximal and distal endpoints.

View the Pelvis Segment Properties

The Segment Properties dialog modifies general properties which are common to most segments. Some of the most common uses include changing the mass of the segment, the scale and rotation of the object which represents the segment, adding a custom object (such as a golf club or baseball bat), removing the kinetic calculations for a segment, modifying the size and rotation of the segment, and modifying the segment coordinate system.

Segment properties that may be modified

Modify a segment's properties:

  1. Select the segment name in the Segment Name combo box. The selected segment's properties will be displayed in the dialog.
  2. To modify the properties, make the desired change in the dialog.
  3. Click Apply.
