Table of Contents
Assign Tags To File
Files can be associated with other files opened in the Visual3D workspace by assigning a TAG to the file.
A file can have multiple TAGS associated with it. A TAG can have multiple files associated with it.
For example, all files associated with trials in which the subjects walked barefoot can have a TAG labelled “Bare Foot” assigned to them. Those trials that are “Bare Foot” and are only women subjects could have another TAG labelled “Female” to that file. A graph in the report can then display only files with a certain TAG (including drawing the mean and standard deviation).
Assign_Tags_To_Files ! /MOTION_FILE_NAMES= ! /QUERY= ! /TAGS= ;
Pop Up Dialog
If you leave all parameters blank, the tag selection dialog will appear.
If you specify the tag name only:
Assign_Tags_To_Files ! /MOTION_FILE_NAMES= ! /QUERY= /TAGS=WALK ;
The tag selection dialog will appear with the tag parameter populated (so the user only has to specify which files should be associated with the tag.
Automatically Assign Tags
Using Wildcards to Specify the File Name
Wildcards (*) can be used for the MOTION_FILE_NAMES.
If you have named files consistently, you can use a common command to add tags:
Assign_Tags_To_Files /Motion_File_Names=*walk*.c3d /Query= /Tags= WALK ;
Using the Query to Select Files
The Query is a standard Visual3D expression.
Assign a TAG based on a Metric value when the mass of the subject is greater than 5 Kg:
Assign_Tags_To_Files /Motion_File_Names=ALL_FILES /Query= METRIC::PROCESSED::MASS > 5 /Tags= WALK ;
A query can be used to assign the tag TC2 to All Files in the Workspace that have the C3D parameter group Trial containing a parameter TC_NUM that has the value 2:
A query could be extended to include both trials that have TC_NUM=2 and TC_NUM=3 using the Logical Or (|) Operator: