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File Commands Overview

File Open/Import

File Commands are separated into three categories:
1) File_Management
2) File_Open/Import
3) File_Save/Export

For more pipeline commands, please see the Pipeline Commands Reference page.


Exit Workspace

Exits Visual3D. This is useful when an external program launches Visual3D with a pipeline. When the pipeline is finished executing, Visual3D is closed.


Recalculate the link model, event dependencies, and execute the RECALC Pipeline.

Clear Recalc Pipeline

Select Active File

Many of the pipeline commands in Visual3D act on the active files only, and only active file is animated in the 3D viewer.

File Close

File New

Clears the Workspace. Removes all models, motion trials, and the Global Workspace.

File Rename

Assign Tags To File

Files can be associated with other files opened in the Visual3D workspace by assigning a TAG to the file.

Combine Tags

Use boolean logic to combine TAGS into a new TAG.

Remove Tags

Removes the specified files from the TAG. Select ALL_FILES, a TAG, or a movement trial.

Remove CMO History

Load CMO Library

Unload CMO Library

= Copy_Point_Descriptions_To_Analog_Labels =

= Copy_Point_Descriptions_To_Point_Labels =

Motion Analysis Corporation exports C3D files that are consistent with an early version of the C3D file format. One of the restrictions in the early format was that POINT LABELS (e.g. names of the markers) were allowed to have only 4 characters. This command will cause Visual3D to copy the marker DESCRIPTION PARAMETER into the marker LABEL PARAMETER thus giving markers their long names. = Create_Targets_For_LinkModelBased_Rotations =

= Create_Targets_For_LinkModelBased_Rotations_From_Velocity =

= Joint_Rotations_From_PSU_IMU =

= Fix_MAC_Eva7_C3DFile =

Visual3D does not act as a general C3D editor. Several commands, however, exist to edit specific parameters in the C3D file:

= Modify_Analog_Parameters =

This command can be used to change a selection of the ANALOG parameters in a C3D file. There must be the same number of values in the LABELS, SCALE, and OFFSET entries. The command will modify the parameters in order. = Modify_C3D_Manufacturer =

= Modify_Point_Parameters =

The command Modify_Point_Parameters will modify the POINT LABELS (e.g. Marker Names) in the C3D file. The LABELS listed will be applied to the POINT parameters in the order listed in the C3D file. If fewer LABELS are specified in the command than exist in the C3D file, then only the number of LABELS specified will be modified. = Modify_C3D_Subjects_Parameters =

Modify the SUBJECT parameter group = Modify_Point_Rate =

Modify the point and/or analog rate in the c3d file = Remove_Prefix_From_Point_Labels =

Vicon Corporation's Workstation software provides an option to add a prefix to all of the marker labels. This causes Visual3D a big problem because Visual3D assumes that markers are named consistently between files, especially between the standing trial and the movement trials.


Not Available In Visual3Dv5:

Modify_C3D_Trial_Parameters Modify the TRAIL parameter group


= File_Open =

Adds a file to the Visual3D Workspace. = File_Close =

Closes the specified File(s). = Import_Data_From_ASCII_File =

Imports signals from an ascii file formatted using the Visual3D_ASCII_Format. = Import_Analog_Signals =

= Import_Analog_ANB_Signals =

= Import_Analog_Bioware_Signals =

= Import_Analog_Frappier_Signals =

= Import_Analog_Fsv_Signals =

= Import_Analog_NDI_Signals =

Imports Analog signals from NDI Toolbench into a C3D file. = Import_Analog_Noraxon_EMG_Signals =

= Import_Pedar_Data =

= Import_Analog_SON_Signals =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_AMTI_Ascii_File =

The ASCII file exported by AMTI is a very simple file with no header, and the data stored in columns. = Import_Analog_Signals_From_Arsalis_Ascii_File =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_DASYLAB_Ascii_File =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_Delsys_Ascii_File =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_Microstrain_Ascii_File =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_Winternet_Signals =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_ADInstruments_Chart_Ascii_File =

= Import_Data_From_ASCII_File =

= Import_Analog_Signals_From_DATAPAC_Files =

= Import_Signals_From_C3D_File =

This command imports signals from a C3D file into the Active File. = Import_Surrey_Force_Platform_Signals =

= Merge_Aurora_Files =

Not Available in Visual3Dv5:

Import_FSV_Files The FSV/TSV file formats were originally developed by Manfred Berger from Innovision Systems and are currently used by Qualisys and Innovision Import_Analog_Signals_From_Fsv_File Importing ANALOG signals stored in an fsv file into an existing c3d file.


= File_Save =

Save the current Workspace to the active CMO file. = File_Save_As =

Save the current Workspace to a new CMO file. = Export_3D_Animation_To_Image =

Exporting a snapshot of the animation viewer to a file on disk.

= Export_3D_Animation_To_Video =

= Export_3DSSPP_Batch_File =

= Export_C3DFile =

Export one or more C3D files from the Workspace = Export_Data_To_ASCII_File =

= Export_Polygon_C3DFile =

Export a file from the Workspace to a C3D file suitable for Vicon's Polygon program

visual3d/documentation/pipeline/file_commands/file_commands_overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/16 22:35 by wikisysop