Table of Contents
Visual3D Release Notes
Visual3D is updated many times a year and we always recommend staying up-to-date so that you have access to the latest features and bug fixes. These release notes provide a summary of changes for releases since the major v2022.08 release.
Updates in 2025
- Updates for 2025.02.1
- [Enhancement] Updated Pipeline Command Remove_Unlabeled_Points to accept a user defined prefix
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Modify_Subject_Parameters Command did not remove C3D Subjects without removing subject prefix signal names.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Metric_Mean would fail for legacy parameter /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS
- Updates for 2025.01.1
- [Enhancement] It is now possible to remove the “Sex” field from the Subject Information page for Reports.
- [Enhancement] Modified infrastructure for plug-ins, enabling meta-commands to be used from the Visual3D engine.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where the Export_Data_To_Ascii_File command did not properly handle the situation where certain subject tags were active. In particular, the command now appropriate handles exports for “missing” signals.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Visual3D would crash when animating multiple files without an event sequence.
Updates in 2024
- Updates for 2024.11.2
- [Enhancement] Added new function Point_Tracked_By_3Points to the Evaluate_Expression command.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where using a text signal as an expression for signal components failed.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where markers without associated data would be erroneously created with zero values.
- Updates for 2024.11.1
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where file name conventions used across multiple sessions would cause the wrong files to merged by the Manage_File_Merge command.
- Updates for 2024.10.4
- [Bug Fix] Removed Right Clavicle and Left Clavicle as default segments as this caused a conflict with legacy files.
- Updates for 2024.10.3
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug for the Manage_File_Merge command relating to the reconciling units of measurement between files when importing signals from a C3D file.
- Updates for 2024.10.2
- [New Feature] Can now read in .bvh files output by Fujitsu's Human Motion Analytics technology, including initial model-building and parameter writing as well the ability to export this file to a C3D file.
- [Enhancement] Improved the Set_Animate_Multiple_Files command, including the use of event sequences for offsets instead of requiring frame numbers.
- Updates for 2024.10.1
- [New Feature] Added a new model-based item for MODEL_COG_ACCELERATION for the acceleration of the model's centre of gravity
- [Enhancement] Added a “start from index” parameter to Evaluate_Expression's String_Reverse_Find function
- [Bug Fix] Floating images now maintain their position in reports
- [Bug Fix] Text metric tables no longer add errant “;” characters to the list of values
- Updates for 2024.09.1
- [Enhancement] New function in Evaluate_Expression for calculating cumulative sums with the syntax “Cumulative_Sum(signal, initial_value, start_event, end_event)”
- [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where floating images in reports would not be placed in their correct position upon opening a saved workspace
- Updates for 2024.08.5
- [Enhancement] Added an option to display selected landmarks or targets in the 3D animation viewer
- Updates for 2024.08.4
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Visual3D did not recognize the Analog Ratio when importing analog signals into C3D files output by Theia3D's 2024 release
- Updates for 2024.08.3
- [Enhancement] Additional updates for the Theia3D 2024 release
- Updates for 2024.08.2
- [Enhancement] Additional updates for the Theia3D 2024 release
- Updates for 2024.08.1
- [Enhancement] Implement loading of Foot Contact signals in mvnx files
- [Enhancement] Update Visual3D for the Theia3D 2024 release
- [Bug Fix] Animating muscles now draws for primary and all secondary models
- [Enhancement] Create pipeline parameters for returning folder names
- Updates for 2024.07.2
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug relating to downsampling the ANALOGTIME signal
- Updates for 2024.07.1
- [Bug Fix] Many small bug fixes that were discovered during regression testing
- [Enhancement] Ongoing implementation of improvements to multisubject processing
- Updates for 2024.06.2
- [Feature] Added a new filter for quaternions
- [Enhancement] Merge Files command has a new option to create a model for all c3d files loaded.
- [Enhancement] Export_Data_To_Ascii_File now exports an Event_Sequence
- Updates for 2024.06.1
- [Feature] Added a new model based item for JOINT_QUATERNION.
- [Enhancement] Added an option to specify an Event_Sequence for drawing target/landmark trails in the 3D viewer
- [Bug Fix] The user specified color of force platforms was not used when the user selected a custom background colour
- [Bug Fix] Evaluate_Expression function Gravity_Vector did not return a value
- Updates for 2024.05.3
- [Enhancement] Added a new reserved character for the space character in file and signal names related to Qualisys PAF applications.
- Updates for 2024.05.2
- [Bug Fix] Modified naming convention related to Qualisys PAF applications.
- Updates for 2024.05.1
- [Enhancement] Added the ability to define the scale, position, and size of the floor in the 3D viewer. This allows viewers to define a ground that is sloped (i.e. a pitching mound). The transformation is stored in the cmz file allowing individual cmz files to have unique “floors”
- [Enhancement] Extended the implementation of a shadow segment. For Theia and XSens data, shadow segments are added automatically to the model for the thorax and feet
- [Enhancement] Extended the implementation of the automatic model for XSens mvnx files. No longer is the model implicitly defined in VIsual3D. 4×4 Rotation matrices are created automatically from the mvnx file, allowing the user the ability to modify individual segments in the model, and to more easily adapt segments.
- [Enhancement] Added more functionality to the Manage_Theia3D_Merge command that permits intermediate pipelines in the process
- [Bug Fix] Fixed several minor issues related to multiple subjects/multiple models in a workspace
- [Bug Fix] Many small bug fixes
- Updates for 2024.03.3
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a problem where a shadow segment would not work properly when part of an IK chain.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where the reference object for a shadow segment was not being set correctly.
- Updates for 2024.03.2
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a problem with legacy pipeline command parameters for the Manage_Theia3D_Merge pipeline command.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed atan2 expression to ensure that it sets the derived signal's data rate.
- [Bug Fix] In calculating functional joints, added a guard against the case where a Target has more frames than the C3D parameters specified.
- Updates in 2024.03.1
- [Enhancement] Added ways for the user to specify their file structure when using the Manage_Theia3D_Merge pipeline command.
- Updates in v2024.02.2
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a backwards compatibility issue for the Manage_Theia3D_Merge pipeline command's parameters.
- Updates in v2024.02.1
- [Enhancement] Added support for Theia3D versions that export Theia Model 10 or higher
- [Bug Fix] Modified FP_Auto_Baseline for an unusually light subject
- [Enhancement] Modified Shadow Segment functionality
Updates in 2023
- Updates in v2023.12.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix FP_Auto_Baseline for unusual customer force platform and subject weight which used incorrect representative zero frame
- [Bug Fix] Fix query using the CMZ/CMO Library
- [Bug Fix] Fix C3D file read for old NDI files
- [Enhancement] Support other signals in Real-Time for Compute_Planar_Angle
- [Bug Fix] Fix Real-Time image switching when streaming a short C3D File.
- Updates in v2023.11.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression in subject metrics which can cause the first 5 metrics read from .cmz file to not be calculated properly.
- Updates in v2023.11.1
- [Enhancement] Performance improvements in computing pose and landmarks
- [Enhancment] Add new segment type Shadow Segment which shadows another segment
- [Enhancement] Add expression function to convert data To_String(…)
- [Bug Fix] Report Subject item overlapped diagnosis on the wrong line
- [Bug Fix] Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event incorrectly did not process the instance parameter
- [Bug Fix] Fix numeric string identification which incorrectly identified certain strings as numeric
- Updates in v2023.10.2
- [Usability] Prompt user if they are creating a segment for ALL_SUBJECTS when there is more than one subject to ensure they intended to do that.
- [Bug Fix] Fix for memory issue occasionally on start of Visual3D.
- [Bug Fix] Fix graphing mean and stddev when graphing subjects.
- [Bug Fix] Fix out of order secondary model building in certain curcumstances.
- [Bug Fix] Fix for crash reading library (.cmx) files when .cmz files are very large. Requires re-indexing library if you have problems crashing because .cmz files are too large. This should be a rare problem browsing the library.
- [Bug Fix] Additional fix for Spline function when the entire signal being used for Spline is No_Data.
- [Bug Fix] Allow Temporal Distance metrics when there are no models assigned to the motion file, but events are present.
- [Bug Fix] Fix numeric check which allowed 2023.10.2 to be incorrectly interpreted as numeric instead of string.
- Updates in v2023.10.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix Spline function in expressions that caused incorrect No_Data data point at the end of the signal. Also fix Spline when signal contains No_Data in the middle of the signal.
- [Bug Fix] Fix commands using 'Left' and 'Right' to be calculated such as in Metric_Signal_Stats.
- [Enhancement] Speed up editing large scripts that were very slow in the pipeline editor.
- [Bug Fix] Fix Graphing where lines were not being set to bold.
- Updates in v2023.09.3
- [Bug Fix] Revert code included in expression memory blow up fix which was incorrectly constructed and not part of the actual memory issue fixed in 2023.07.1
- Updates in v2023.09.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix commands needing signal components
- [Bug Fix] Export to Ascii fix for empty strings
- [Enhancement] Compute Link Model Based dialog tweak
- Updates in v2023.09.1
- [Bug Fix] Revert Export to Ascii signal ordering for consistency of columns with previous releases.
- [Bug Fix] Minor fix in FP Auto Baseline which is a very insignificant change in baseline result.
- [Bug Fix] Fix commands needing signal components - errors stemming from getting signal parameters internally.
- Updates in v2023.08.6
- [Bug Fix] Reports Lines would not show up in bold in the viewer, but would when printing.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a few bugs related to ExportToAscii, adding muscles, and several other minor fixes.
- Updates in v2023.08.5
- [Bug Fix] Fix parsing parameters in command Metric_To_Fit_Signal_To_Line
- [Bug Fix] Fix bug reading VRML file
- Updates in v2023.08.4
- [Feature] Add option for Export_To_Matfile, Export_Polygon_C3D_File to allow creation of output folder.
- [Bug Fix] Fix parameter parsing of signals for Set_Data_To_New_Value and Command_Metric_Trajectory_Ellipse
- Updates in v2023.08.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix parsing of resulting metric folder when PROCESSED is not used.
- Updates in v2023.08.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash caused by parsing error looping
- Updates in v2023.08.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash and processing error in command Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event
- Updates in v2023.07.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix Real-Time sounds for sound files, as well as yellow/red warning graphs for 2D graphs
- Updates in v2023.07.1
- [Enhancement] Add exclude event handling to Temporal and Distance calculations
- [Enhancement] Add ability to graph only X, Y and Z for target data
- [Enhancement] Add ability to create folder when using File_Save_As
- [Bug Fix] Fix subject processing for special cases of tagging different subjects differently across files.
- [Bug Fix] Fix a minor bug with DFT power.
- [Bug Fix] Fix bug with a network file open of an empty file
- [Bug Fix] Fix expression handling which could cause stack memory to be exceeded.
- [Bug Fix] Fix ambiguity referencing Gravity in expressions which could become ambiguous with Gravity from the model
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash editing non-2D Graph report items when an Interactive Graph exists.
- Updates in v2023.06.7
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression in commands by reinitialization of commands between calls. Subsequent calls were being seeded with the signals from previous calls which is incorrect behavior.
- [Bug Fix] Fix empty Kinatrax file that was causing a crash.
- [Bug Fix] Fix a rare circumstance causing IK to fail.
- Updates in v2023.06.6
- [Bug Fix] Fix expression for PI() function which was inadvertently broken in 2023.06.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix for expression which caused a stack overflow
- [Bug Fix] Allow component to be specified on Model::Landmark expression
- [Feature] Additional Emg_Time_Domain processing changes
- Updates in v2023.06.3
- [Feature] Add Command for Emg_Time_Domain
- [Bug Fix] Prevent crash with duplicate rotation signals
- [Bug Fix] Prevent editing of LAB segment
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression to allow component on Model Landmarks in expressions
- Updates in v2023.06.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix graphing of certain signals that have a lot of frames that caused the drawing of lines to appear to go above or below the bounds of the graph.
- [Bug Fix] Fix selection of tracking targets in the pelvis edit, file tag and subject tag dialogs.
- [Bug Fix] Continued pipeline/command parsing changes
- Updates in v2023.06.1
- Internal Only Release, test and document new command
- Updates in v2023.05.4
- [Bug Fix] More fixes for Meta Command parsing regression in 2023.05.1
- Updates in v2023.05.3
- [Bug Fix] More fixes for Meta Command parsing regression in 2023.05.1
- Updates in v2023.05.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix for Meta Command parsing regression in the last version.
- Updates in v2023.05.1
- [Enhancement] Add Version() function to Evaluate_Expression
- [Enhancement] Add second synchronized video play back window
- [Enhancement] Add expression for Metric_Cyclogram_Perimeter and Metric_Cyclogram_Area
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression in assign model to motion file dialog
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression for Search/Replace tag didn't update graphs properly
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression resulting in same signal used inside an expression
- [Bug Fix] First Derivative didn't report error when not calculated
- [Bug Fix] Fix export of Temporal Distance Report item
- Updates in v2023.04.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix bug introduced in report annotations
- [Enhancement] Modified spacing in processing results
- Updates in v2023.04.2
- [Enhancement] Add compute margin of stability function to Evaluate_Expression
- [Bug Fix] Change new parameter added to File_Open for Folder to File_Path since use of the parameter Folder is common and its use here can break subsequent pipeline commands.
- Updates in v2023.04.1
- [Enhancment] Evaluate_Expression add matrix operations
- [Enhancement] File save without histories
- [Enhancement] Add Event Sequence to export multiple C3D files for Export_Polygon_C3DFile command
- [Enhancement] Add StdDev shade style to the Make_A_Line_Graph command.
- [Bug Fix] Temporal Distance Report Item vertical chart fix
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash in rare circumstances on recalc
- [Bug Fix] Show kinematic only segments for link_model_based items where they were missing.
- [Bug Fix] Fix broken export to ascii of Origin and Rotation
- [Enhancment] Add export to matfile of Origin and Rotation
- [Bug Fix] Fix FP_Auto_Baseline reduced minimum which became broken
- [Bug Fix] Fix report annotations bug
- [Bug Fix] Fix clean up of model data in motion file when it is unassigned from a model
- Updates in v2023.03.1
- [Infrastructure] Upgraded to new compilers
- [New Feature] Allow saving cmz with histories removed
- [Enhancement] Markerless systems support changes
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash when certain commands are run before a recalc
- [Bug Fix] Fix report template reordering when search/replace is done on a report page
- Updates in v2023.02.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix P2D mouseover bug which prevented other lines from appearing in mouseover text
- [Bug Fix] Signal component not updated internally when changing file tag
- [Bug Fix] Report fix when deleting all pages of the report
- [Bug Fix] Report fix for selecting item in the report tree
- [Enhancement] Update IK constraints to use 2 chains (speed)
- [Enhancement] Markerless model update on file open
- Updates in v2023.02.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix logic in breakpoint command when called nested down Meta-Commands.
- [Bug Fix] Fix error in Metric Mean which should be just a warning, as well as a crash found when testing.
- [Bug Fix] Handling of rotations when data is missing, as well as support for new generic model.
- Updates in v2023.02.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix signal parameter optimization to match usage in commands
- [Bug Fix] Some event commands were not making use of subject prefixes
- [Bug Fix] Stop showing assign model to motion file dialog when there is only one primary model
- [Feature] Hidden parameters added to improve efficiency of certain model building commands.
- [Feature] More support changes for markerless data
- Updates in v2023.01.4
- [Performance] Removed debug code which slowed down performance
- [Usability] Hide warning when it is not needed
- [Bug Fix] Make signal parameters consistent with command use.
- Updates in v2023.01.3
- [Enhancement] Use of subject prefix along with Kinetic_Kinematic data in report graphs
- [Enhancement] Additional enhancements to markerless processing
- [Bug Fix] VIK file not saved for NO_SUBJECT.
- Updates in v2023.01.2
- [Performance] Made several changes to dramatically improve performance with many secondary models and a lot of segments
- [Enhancement] Add ability to highlight target range in real-time speedometer graphs
- [Bug Fix] Fix bug with multiple subjects not animating properly
- [Bug Fix] Double click to add event to analog signals was broken (added at wrong frame).
- [Bug Fix] Fix huge .cmz file size in customer file
- [Bug Fix] Expression evaluation of secondary model items
- [Bug Fix] Landmark item loses value when duplicated in secondary models
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash with buffer overflow
- Updates in v2023.01.1
- [Enhancement] Additional markerless systems updates and support
- [Enhancement] Import_Signals_From_C3D_File support for IMPORT_ANALOG_SYNCH parameter
- [Bug Fix] Fix for report graphs drawing mean to not be case sensitive
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash when creating a metric
- [Bug Fix] Move folder path up in list of export parameters
- [Bug Fix] Fix Update_Force_Corners crash
- [Usability] Fix eroneous segment being highlighted in certain circumstances when using multiple models
- [Usability] Modify command parameter name from Subject_Name to Subject_Prefix to represent parameter use.
Updates in 2022 (post major release)
- Updates in v2022.12.2
- [Bug Fix] Graph edit PROCESSED folder not recognized
- [Bug Fix] No models returned when ALL_MODELS selected
- [Enhancement] Additional markerless systems support changes
- Updates in v2022.12.1
- [Bug Fix] Metric Root Mean Squared fix for if one component of the result is NO DATA (NAN)
- [Enhancement] Realtime graphing features, circular graphs
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia file support changes
- Updates in v2022.11.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix global setting which prevented multiple models from being assigned to multiple motion files.
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia3D processing changes.
- Updates in v2022.11.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash adding or editing a text/metric table
- Updates in v2022.11.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash performing quality assurance analysis
- [Bug Fix] Fix error message for automatic gait events when not performing TPR.
- [Enhancement] Minor tweak to graph title alignment
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia3D processing changes.
- [Usability] Fix real-time dialog showing multiple copies of the same metric / signal
- [Usability] Show landmark definition items even when the items don't exist in the current static trial.
- Updates in v2022.10.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression from performance change released in v2022.10.1
- Updates in v2022.10.1
- [Enhancement] Real-time speedometer graph changes and 3D viewer support
- [Enhancement] Allow alignment for graph titles to align top, center or bottom in area above graph.
- [Enhancement] Allow mouseover of graphs that are not time or frame based.
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia3D processing changes.
- [Performance] Report pages with 2D Stagger graph were very slow to draw, improve to be same speed as other 2D graphs
- [Bug Fix] Center of Mass with multiple static trials assigned to motion file wasn't using additional models
- [Bug Fix] Add_Landmark_From_Event fix
- Updates in v2022.09.1
- [Bug Fix] Fix landmarks between 2 markers at same location
- [Bug Fix] Fix Set_Active_File behavior
- [Enhancement] Theia3D file processing changes
- Updates in v2022.08.5
- [Enhancment] Add Metric_Mean to real-time pipeline
- [Enhancement] Theia3D file processing changes
- Updates in v2022.08.4
- [Enhancement] New speedometer graph in real-time biofeedback
- [Enhancement] Theia3D file processing changes
- Updates in v2022.08.3
- [Bug Fix] Temporal Distance report item was not using file tags (regression)
- [Bug Fix] Real-Time Temporal Distance regression using subjects
- [Bug Fix] Model metrics display not being updated when commands change metrics while window is open
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression in File_Close command using new parameter
- [Enhancement] Theia3D processing changes
- Update v2022.08.2
- Update missing .dll
Major v2022.08.1 release
- Multisubject support in C3D files using the subject prefix parameters (prefixes are provided by mocap systems).
- Single subject processing is unaffected by this feature, so prefixes are not necessary for that.
- Automatically adds subject prefix to marker labels landmarks and segments in Model Templates.
- Allows multiple subjects in the same movement trial to be processed (identified by the unique prefixes used).
- Allows multiple static calibration trials to be used for applying to movement trials. Handles each subject separately for computing means, normal data, metrics, etc. when working with the CMZ Library. Previously V3D required 1 subject per CMO/CMZ file.
- Allows subject tagging in the model to allow setting the active subject tag (in Set_Active_File) which lets pipelines process different types of subjects differently (ie; BATTER, PITCHER, etc. tags, generically applied to any specific subject prefix).
- Nearly every pipeline command modified to support active subjects and processing subjects separately.
- Additional support for markerless data, including model building and processing for Theia3D markerless files.
- Bug fixes and performance tweaks throughout.
- RT Plugin updates for compatibility with manufacturer software updates
- Numerous usability and UI enhancements throughout.
For an in-depth discussion on how Visual3D provides multisubject support for C3D files with subject prefixes, go here.
Previous Updates
2022 (prior to major release)
- Updates in 2022.07.1
- [Bug Fix] Metric Signal Value At Event fix for adding extra result that was not needed, and named odd when appending to signal name.
- [Bug Fix] Occasional lockup at launch fixed, memory overrun
* [Usability] Speed up operations in pipeline workshop that were extremely slow - [Bug Fix] Fix combo entries of the compute link model based dialog.
* [Enhancement] More Theia3D file processing changes
- Updates in 2022.06.2
- [Enhancement] Performance improvement to Transform Data Coordinate System when upsampling to analog rate
- [Bug Fix] Guard against crash for activation heartbeat corrupted return data
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia processing changes
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression in Automatic Gait Events/TPR processing
- Updates in 2022.06.1
- [Enhancement] Additional Theia processing changes
- [Enhancement] Performance improvements to pipeline workshop
- [Enhancement] Performance improvements to File New
- [Bug Fix] Additional changes to try to reduce instances of bug opening a file memory issue.
- Updates in 2022.05.4
- [Enhancement] New command to import C3D parameters from an INI (.ini) file. File_Import_Parameters_From_INI_File
- [Enhancement] More Theia under the hood changes for processing Theia 3D data files
- Updates in 2022.05.3
- [Bug Fix] Fix report scrolling issue
- [Enhancement] More Theia processing changes
- [Bug Fix] Save TPR Signal dialog quirks
- [Bug Fix] Import from C3D files wasn't handling units (in rarely used scenario)
- Updates in 2022.05.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix crash in Metric_StdDev
- [Bug Fix] Fix event highlight color mismatch
- [Enhancement] Performance enhancements with Rotation based segments
- [Enhancement] Cleanup toolbars to make them more readable and clear.
- [Enhancement] More Thiea file processing changes
- [Bug Fix] Functional Joints assigning frames for multiple files from command didn't work
- [Enhancement] KinaTrax Change pose during static trial to create joints
- Updates in 2022.05.1
- [Bug Fix] Fixed crash when using IK in a secondary model.
- [Bug Fix] Fix Link Model Based computation when using NO_SUBJECT::Lab
- [Bug Fix] Graph mouse hover information display fix for non standard data rate signals
- Updates in 2022.04.1
- [Bug Fix] Continued fixing of multi-subject related bugs in commands.
- [Bug Fix] Copy and reflect segment with subject prefix was broken.
- [Bug Fix] Subject prefix IK motion constraint not properly being saved to model template.
- [Bug Fix] Additional changes to fix the rare issue opening a file that hangs Visual3D and eventually either opens, or crashes Visual3D. Uninitialized variable found that is the probable culprit.
- [Bug Fix] Fix for model file that used a percent symbol in the file name.
- [Enhancement] Theia 3D related support
- [Enhancement] Search/Replace event sequence in report template (subject prefixes)
- [Enhancement] Change to 'Help' menu items to use https rather than http for secure connection.
- [Enhancement] Compute_Model_Based dialog change to better handle subject prefix
- [Enhancement] Color segment tag combo to indicate whether the tag exists. Also hide the combo when C3D files without subjects are loaded.
- [Enhancement] Fix the endless “Fatal read error” message pop ups when a file is corrupted on disk.
- Updates in 2022.03.3
- [Bug Fix] Several critical bug fixes related to Metric commands.
- Updates in 2022.03.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression which prevented certain result signals which should be allowed from being created
- [Enhancement] Metric Minimum/Maximum added a new parameter for calculating the per file minimum/maximum
- Updates in 2022.03.1
- [Enhancement] More changes for drawing geometric objects on segments
- [Enhancement] Changes to Apply/Append model template
- [Enhancement] Don't allow certain data types as the result signal for commands.
- [Enhancement] Compute_Model_Based changes for subject tags
- [Bug Fix] Fix FPLoc bug locating force platform in customer file
- [Bug Fix] Brought back certain missing calculations for metric commands (regression)
- [Bug Fix] Fix ambiguity in expressions for model items with component.
- Updates in 2022.02.2
- [Bug Fix] Regression in Parameters parsing in expressions
- [Bug Fix] Signal types, etc. display adding a graph to a report for Frame_Numbers, Time
- [Bug Fix] Ambiguity parsing expressions for subject prefixes/component
- [Bug Fix] Typing in landmark in property page not being applied
- [Enhancement] Consistency in naming conventions for subject metric signals with previous version
- Updates in 2022.02.1
- [Enhancement] Landmark editing changes for ease of use.
- [Enhancement] Allow geometric objects to be added to segments drawn in 3D viewer.
- [Enhancement] Add check box to dialogs for displaying of prefixes on signals/events
- [Enhancement] Modify menu options for model templates
- [Enhancement] Export to ASCII dialog support for subjects
- [Bug Fix] Fix Parameters expression in model builder, plus support for force platforms For example: FP2, corner 1 MODEL::PARAMETERS::FORCE_PLATFORM::CORNERS::2[1]
- [Bug Fix] Temporal Distance fixes
- [Bug Fix] Fix regression accessing first joint in the joint array
- [Bug Fix] Fix for Metric Maximum regression
- [Bug Fix] Fix report add graph error filling in the signal combo boxes with folders/signals
- [Bug Fix] Opening an ASCII file with events wasn't creating events properly
- Updates in 2022.01.2
- [Bug Fix] Fix the edit landmark window for landmarks that are offset to a marker location
- Updates in 2022.01.1
- [Enhancement] More support for handling subjects:
- Generic Export to Ascii for each subject
- Pipeline import of generic signals without prefixes
- More command support for multiple subjects
- [Enhancement] Real time support for normalizing link model based data to a metric
- [Enhancement] Real time support for CURRENT_SIGNAL in Evaluate_Expression
- [Enhancement] Fixes to support Theia C3D files
- [Bug Fix] Real time fixes to support short C3D files (event and metric detection)
- [Bug Fixes] Various bug fixes supporting multiple subjects in a C3D file
- [Bug Fixes] IK fixes for subject prefixes
- [Bug Fix] Fix reading C3D files over 2GB
Updates in 2021
2021 Releases | |
Updates in 2021.12.2 * [Enhancement] More command support for subjects * [Bug Fixes] Fixed bugs related to subjects from \\ prior preview releases.\\
\\ usability with multiple subjects\\
\\ using subject prefixes defined in C3D parameters.\\
\\ prefixes defined in C3D parameters.\\
\\ files to be applied to C3D files.\\
\\ subjects in order to support metric and other\\ command data calculations.\\
\\ interfacing with MATLAB®.\\
\\ is not specified\\
\\ tab\\
\\ from Delsys Avanti csv files\\
\\ opened in the pipeline\\
\\ colorization\\
\\ changes\\
\\ for user to set in the pipeline for added \\ flexibility.\\
\\ export to ascii when outputing to XML.\\
\\ changes\\
\\ a graph should create the graph anyways even\\ when signal does not exist.\\
\\ and implement new features\\
\\ incorrect size given in C3D file.\\
\\ Joing Angular Velocity which was off by\\ a factor of 4 due to incorrect data rate\\ calculation.\\
\\ parameters to recognize Theia as the \\ manufacturer.\\
\\ Parameters needed to have data structure\\ initialized.\\
\\ when Analog signals are imported as DERIVED.\\
\\ and move command to set the CS \\ alignment.\\
\\ Minimum when using the Library.\\
\\ regression.\\
\\ when browsing the library, after closing\\ the edit graph dialog.\\
\\ processing.\\
\\ event_sequences in quick view display\\
\\ leg of expression parsing intended to\\ process strings which indexed \\ improperly into empty double array.\\
\\ for FP Auto Baseline for files with bad\\ force data at the start or end of trial.\\
\\ range of multiple graphs.\\
\\ forces when a segment hits multiple \\ plates.\\
\\ JOINT_ACCELERATION for \\ Compute_Model_Based pipeline command\\ to resolve resultant vector in a\\ Cardan sequence.\\
\\ in string expressions mixed with values\\ in order to use * operator and + \\ operator to select string values based\\ on conditionals.\\
\\ so they don't overlap when checking \\ the box.\\
\\ compatibility\\
\\ (reduced)\\
\\ "pop up" when not wanted\\
\\ combining 2 force platforms when not\\ in the same plane\\
\\ Signal and Events Tab\\
\\ Signal and Events tab graph, then \\ perform certain actions afterwards.\\
\\ selecting an item on the Report tab.\\
\\ in a character set not supported in\\ a Microsoft English (US) compile.\\ NOTE: While the crash is now handled\\ a message pop up tells the user that\\ the file name/path contains unsupported\\ characters. The software may or may\\ not handle everything properly, such\\ as adding the file name to the recent\\ files list. This is dependent on\\ underlying support of the microsoft\\ routines on the computer.\\
\\ were showing up blank\\
\\ backward report template compatibility\\
\\ graph tics\\
\\ reorganizing balloon text locations\\
\\ .c3d file\\
\\ file containing has ROTATION data.\\
\\ List Of Model Names did't work in\\ the Library.\\
\\ black graph window.\\
\\ Kinetic_Kinematic folder data.\\
\\ with large parameter.\\
\\ file check for the end event.\\
\\ files of the animation without having to\\ click 'OK' button for each export.\\
\\ synchronized motion files so animations\\ using start and end event both start,\\ and end at the events in both files.\\ End frame of 0 will not normalize.\\
\\ broken and had a pre-existing issue with\\ certain combinations of signal/events\\
\\ parameter for a Kistler file that doesn't\\ contain baselines for analog signals.\\
\\ parameter to list of tags only for tags\\ associated with the active files.\\
\\ crashes due to unexpected causes (guard\\ commands and handle).\\
\\ matrices.\\
\\ support\\
\\ to be modal instead of modeless. This \\ also prevents some issues which can cause\\ crashes.\\
\\ in debugging program errors.\\
\\ exporting data to a text file.\\
\\ remote drive using File_Save_As command and\\ prompting for the file name.\\
\\ message \\
\\ Analog Labels\\
\\ create an overall boolean return (0 or 1) for\\ whether all, or any of a data item matches the\\ expression inside the function.\\ ie; All_Of(METRIC::ORIGINAL::DISTANCE_ITEM > 0.7)\\ Any_Of(METRIC::ORIGINAL::DISTANCE_ITEM > 0.7)\\
\\ command File Save As. File ends up remaining\\ in the user's appData/local/temp folder. File\\ being saved to ends up being empty. The copy\\ from the temp folder to the final folder was\\ not trapped correctly in the command.\\
\\ favorites was not hidden after script completion\\
\\ the script has whitespace in the file name.\\
\\ force platform corners based on the extent of the \\ force platforms in the Force Structures dialog.\\
\\ and are now released to production.\\
\\ and corruption due to the increased risk of\\ an undetected network blip while writing.\\ (Note: this uses local C: drive as temporary\\ staging point when using a network drive. If\\ you are using a network drive, ensure you have\\ enough space available for temporary .cmz files).\\
\\ dialog parameters.\\
\\ CalTester tabbed dialog\\
\\ interpretation of NAN values and parameter\\
\\ when you click the item to edit.\\
\\ switching modes or saving a file.\\
\\ changes\\
\\ entities to be created, and incorrect one drawn.\\
\\ behavior throughout.\\
\\ are aware of how long it has been since their last\\ update.\\
\\ became reversed.\\
\\ and allow use on report pipeline commands.\\
\\ pages related to drawing targets in color.\\
\\ the command line\\
\\ from the command line\\
\\ the first instance (fixed).\\
\\ rotations and quaternions\\
\\ when it is the only item on the page.\\
\\ pipeline commands\\
\\ features.\\
\\ command to assist with running model building\\ commands.\\
\\ features being developed\\
\\ Force Plate data when using IK\\
\\ from assigning a force to it.\\
\\ access the model properly, fixed to be consistent\\ when multiple models are present.\\
\\ markers (prototype hidden).\\
\\ being tested.\\
\\ frame of a file to account for precision\\ variances.\\
\\ position when you selected item to edit.\\
\\ same as previous versions, corrected to allow\\ setting the background to white.\\
\\ all items in the folder.\\
\\ better.\\
\\ static calibration file in Open and Append\\ commands.\\
\\ - affects drawing of axes at CG\\
\\ to prevent a Visual3D load error.\\
\\ in release candidates.\\
\\ with previous releases.\\
\\ when viewing the CMZ/CMO library of files.\\
\\ applying changes to a library model.\\
\\ Set_View_Options command.\\
\\ various dialogs into cleaner tabbed\\ design.\\
\\ to normalize ML and AP to the conical foot \\ circumference and was changed to normalize \\ only to the foot radius.\\
\\ Set_Model_Metric command to specify model.\\
\\ multiple times.\\
\\ commands.\\
\\ Force Platform Assignments tab.\\
\\ were set to NAN\\
\\ rate with IK signals.\\
\\ weren't working.\\
\\ it works better with the command.\\
\\ biofeedback tab.\\
\\ to prevent duplication of mixed and\\ all upper case names.\\
\\ analog baselines after loading a .cmz file\\ when fp_zeros are -1 on file load.\\
\\ value\\
\\ motion file animation\\
\\ compatibility with video codecs.\\
\\ intermediate events and exclude events\\ used with Event_Sequences\\
\\ at the same time (rare instance).\\
\\ new report graph editing features.\\
\\ characters.\\
\\ history.\\
\\ 90 degrees.\\
\\ .cmo files saved between 2009-01 and \\ 2010-11 versions of Visual3D.\\
\\ expression functions\\
\\ folders that shouldn't be filtered, fix\\ filter minor bug.\\
\\ instead of NAN when no force present.\\
\\ event sequence is empty (Performance fix\\ regression).\\
\\ one of the events exists, but is empty.\\
\\ standardization\\
\\ for maximum cutoff frequency\\
\\ files (and library capability).\\
\\ the correct pipeline.\\
\\ graphed.\\
\\ regression for segment calibration\\ markers.\\
\\ when event sequence not used.\\
\\ use default active model.\\
\\ coordinate system is set.\\
\\ ASCII file.\\
\\ start and stop event.\\
\\ files\\
\\ commands and graphs.\\
\\ models\\
\\ signal\\
\\ be null string, not .txt\\
\\ account for margin changes\\
\\ allow for more text to be displayed\\
\\ lock shared resources to prevent\\ crash\\
\\ report tab when animating\\
\\ to an ASCII file\\
\\ when viewing animation in report mode\\
\\ timestamps at the same frame\\
\\ crashes\\
\\ item to text file\\
\\ to return the number of frames in a signal\\
\\ frame in an expression to handle it being\\ 1 based\\
\\ file's folder path.\\
\\ to set fixed range colormaps to standardize\\ the colormap used to color animation objects.\\
\\ Gravity of segments when opening saved\\ .cmz files and the coordinate system is\\ not Z up, and when the option is selected\\ to draw the axis at the center of the segment.\\
\\ expression.\\
\\ several commands.\\
\\ through model muscle dialogs.\\
| \\ to better handle NAN.\\
\\ caused an invalid error message to appear \\ and the file not opened. \\
\\ property read from registry.\\
\\ markers in Model Builder\\
\\ threshold when selecting default\\
\\ direction\\
\\ quick view\\
\\ items returned in rare scenarios.\\
\\ file segments are out of synch with model\\
\\ through using Z-X-Y\\
\\ streamed.\\
\\ pipeline while streaming\\
\\ Modify_Analog_Parameters command.\\
\\ Auto_FP_Baseline command\\
\\ after modifying the number of segments\\ in the model, but without applying the\\ model to the motion files.\\
\\ segment residual to prevent crash when\\ reading new .cmz files in older Visual3D.\\
\\ Biofeedback processing\\
\\ read by .cmz files.\\
\\ with a lot of events.\\
\\ data\\
\\ variables that are not cell arrays\\
\\ fix display settings.\\
\\ and temporary ones for the current pipeline\\ by command.\\
\\ command.\\
\\ parameters.\\
\\ duplicated information internally.\\
\\ restrictions for Reckon3D\\ compatibility\\
\\ in report graphs\\
\\ the title.\\
\\ biofeedback graphs\\
\\ is > 1.\\
\\ graph dlg.\\
\\ to upper case.\\
\\ dialog\\
\\ beyond the frames contained in the signal.\\
\\ for IK in the static model.\\
\\ prevent issues when printting page changes.\\
\\ to default expression when using a default \\ geometry after you modify subject mass.\\
\\ fixes some obscure message from popping up for\\ some users.\\
\\ prefix parameter is specified. Fix modifying\\ the static trial when no motion file is assigned\\ to it.\\
\\ dialog.\\
\\ have segments that already exist in the model.\\
\\ the file opened, you probably want to go to that\\ path again to select the correct file.\\
\\ 6.01.04\\
\\ segment is not using default SCS\\
\\ expression\\
\\ Indefinite_Integral and Metric_Integrate. \\ Also changed metric expression commands to\\ use the prefix "Metric_" to clarify expressions.\\
\\ real time\\
\\ it can be read and fixed.\\
\\ on or off for Visual3D.\\
\\ saved .cmz files\\
\\ which prevented use in bar charts\\
\\ expression evaluation\\
\\ threshold colors of yellow and red lines\\
\\ Biofeedback_Show_Image_In_Range\\
\\ improvements\\
\\ real time interfaces to put and eval directly\\ to the Matlab workspace\\
\\ Metric_Integrate, Metric_Sum\\
\\ abilities that went away in v6.\\
\\ force platforms and scaling\\
\\ processing results\\
\\ 3D animation window.\\
\\ name contains no data.\\
\\ ON and OFF events when first occurance is too\\ close to the start, or end of a file to perform\\ TPR.\\
\\ with Visual3D RT Server.\\
\\ specific licensing configurations\\
\\ quality image display\\
\\ properties when saving and loading a file.\\
\\ and for model files.\\
\\ (make work like they were drawn in v5)\\
\\ stack overflow problem.\\
\\ Library.\\
\\ when using C3D Parameters.\\
\\ when a file is named in the command.\\
\\ 'Expression_Loop' used to behave.\\
\\ installed before purchasing.\\
\\ Text data.\\
\\ it executes twice in processing results.\\
\\ (CODA, V3D_Hybrid, etc).\\
\\ access formats\\
\\ name formats (ie; L/R at end of name)\\
\\ pelvis\\
\\ element is specified that doesn't exist in the signal.\\
\\ properly.\\
\\ multicore processors.\\
\\ model access and processing from the CMZ library\\
\\ library Link_Model_Based calculation capability\\
\\ high performance model and data computations.\\
\\ functionality into Visual3D\\
\\ PDF should work for dotted lines)\\
\\ Platform Parameters\\
\\ (examples using metrics and text data)\\
\\ - Event threshold parameter added for all maximum and \\ minimum commands (Event & Metric)\\ - FP Auto Baseline for improved treadmill force results\\ - Locate Force Platform Corners\\ - Reset Segment Assignment to Force and COP\\ - Compute Confidence Ellipse (old name Compute \\ Trajectory Ellipse)\\ - Get Pipeline Parameter Index Value\\ - Expression Loop (now Conditional_Statement)\\ - New biofeedback animation commands\\ - Export Signals to XML Graph\\ - Set Text Item to store text information\\ - Commands to secure data by the use of \\ Folder Encryption\\ |
Functional Changes
Visual3D v6 - older updates |
Visual3D v6 contains more changes than any other Visual3D release. The new file format (CMZ) saves link-model data so large files will open much faster, allows for model animation while viewing the library, and allows for model based access for calculations across the library of .cmz files. With the new 64 bit version of Visual3D along with multithreading, processing time will be significantly reduced. NOTE: plug-in modules, real-time, and MatLab support are different in 32 and 64 bit versions. There are separate plugins for 32 and 64 bit versions of Visual3D, you must download the correct plugins for the version you install. The 64-bit version will allow for better use of memory, and supports some later features of MatLab. Some older plugins have not been ported to 64 bit, so if you do not find a plugin you were previously using on 64 bit, download and install the 32 bit version to use the older plugin. Although there have been many enhancements to Visual3D, below is an outline of just a few of the new features and new commands. Visual3D is continuously updated with new features and enhancements so keeping up with the latest download you will be sure to have access to the latest bug fixes, new features and enhancements. ==== Performance Changes ==== - A 64 Bit version of Visual3D - This will resolve issues for users with large CMO's that often hit the “Out of Memory” error - New CMZ file format for saving files - Faster file open times - Performance enhancements for faster model building and IK computations times - Multithreading - Library Enhancements: - Segment animation - Ability to create new Link Model Based items - Incorporate CalTester+ force platform corner location into Visual3D - Inverse Kinematics Enhancements: - Motion Constraints - Boundary Conditions - C3D files are processed simultaneously for much faster processing times ==== Interface Changes ==== - Easier report editing with tabbed design. More changes currently in the works for future releases - Support for 4K monitors - Many real time streaming enhancements and features for RT biofeedback - Enhanced graphs with many improvements such as smoother lines and better scaling - New interface enhancements and toolbar icons - Will also fix print to PDF issues for some users when printing dotted lines - Modeless dialog capability for using common dialogs while working in other dialogs simultaneously - Event Sequence definitions to simplify specifying and modification of ranges throughout Visual3D - Color coded text editor for the pipeline - The Query function was added to the Reports - Copy Landmark feature ==== Event Creation ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Event_Define_Event_Sequence - Event Sequences can be used to define sequences of events such as right stance, or the first 20 cycles. Event sequences can then be used in place of events in subsequent processing. When defining maximums & minimums in Visual3D, a new parameter was added which allows users to define the threshold. This parameter was added for the following commands: * Event_Global_Maximum * Event_Global_Minimum * Event_Maximum * Event_Minimum ==== Event Management ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Event_Sequence_Delete - Event Sequences can be used to define sequences of events such as right stance, or the first 20 cycles. Event sequences can then be used in place of events in subsequent processing. ==== File Management ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Create_Text_Data - Text Data is a new “Signal Type” which was added to the data tree. This allows users to define strings in the CMO file. For example, a signal can be created called “Affected_Side” and the user can specify the Left or Right side here. Files can be queried using text data as well. ==== Force ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) FP_Auto_Baseline - This command can be used to automatically determines the zero period and the force platform minimum value. This is especially helpful for treadmill trials when it is difficult to determine a period when the treadmill is unloaded and for front to back treadmills where a high force platform minimum value can cause discontinuity in the force signal. Locate_Force_Platform_Corners Modify_One_Force_Platform Reset_Segment_Assignment_To_Force_And_COP ==== Matlab ==== 64 bit Matlab support. - Put_To_Matlab - Get_From_Matlab - Eval_In_Matlab Certain Matlab commands are only available in the 64 bit version. Matlab no longer supports 32 bit installations, so legacy support will only be available in the 32 bit version of Visual3D. ==== Metric ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) When defining maximums & minimums in Visual3D, a new parameter was added which allows users to define the threshold. This parameter was added for the following commands: * Metric_Maximum * Metric_Minimum * Metric_Time_of_Maximum_from_Event * Metric_Time_of_Minimum_from_Event * Metric_Time_of_Global_Maximum_from_Event * Metric_Time_of_Global_Minimum_from_Event Metric_Compute_Confidence_Ellipse ==== Model Based Data Computation ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Compute_Model_Based_Data parameters with added treadmill velocities ==== Pipeline Control ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Get_Pipeline_Parameter_Index_Value Conditional_Statement Conditional_Statement_End ==== RT and Post Processing Biofeedback ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Animated_Line Animated_Sphere Animated_Surface Animated_PolyLine Modify_RTGraph_Settings ==== Reports/Interactive Graphs ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Modify_All_Graphs Overlay_Report ==== Folder Encryption ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Add_Password_Protection_To_Folder Remove_Password_Protection_From_Folder Enter_Password_To_View_Folder_Data ==== Other ==== New/Modified Commands (click to expand) Open_Edit_Dialogs Map_Segment_Color_To_Signal_Value |
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