Table of Contents

X4D Overview


X4D tracks 3D objects (bones, implants, etc.) in X-ray images by generating digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) of the objects and matching them to the X-ray images. It requires that the 3D X-ray configuration parameters be defined in the subject file and that the X-ray images be corrected.

To match DRR images to X-ray images, both sets of images are processed first. X-ray images are smoothed with a convolution filter, and then an edge detection algorithm is performed on them. The final processed X-ray image that is used for tracking is the edge detection image times a weighting factor, plus the smoothed intensity image. DRR images are not smoothed, but are input to the edge detection algorithm. The final processed DRR image is the edge detection image time a weighting factor, plus the original DRR image.

X4D has a job batch option, enabling multiple tracking optimizations to be run without user intervention.


Getting Started Tracking Bones

How To: Track Multiple Bones

How To: Optimize Xray/DRR Settings

How To: Calculate Bone Poses from Mocap Data

Bone Tracking

4D Optimization
Matching Xray and DRR Images

Motion Capture Data

Working with Motion Capture Data

Image Metrics

The measurement used by the optimization algorithm to compare the X-ray and DRR images during object tracking.

Pixel Difference
Conditional Entropy
File Menu

View Menu

Queue Menu

Pose Maps Menu

This menu provides the same functionality as the Pose Maps widget.

Options Menu

Help Menu


DSX Configuration
X-ray and DRR Settings
Pose Maps
Object Tracking
Image Optimization
Mocap Model
3D View
X-ray Windows
Optimization Job Queue
Output Window
Select GPUs