Optimization Job Queue
X4D has the option to run multiple tracking optimization jobs without user intervention. To add a job to the job queue, right-click on the appropriate Solve button in the Object Tracking widget and select Add to Queue. A new job is created with the current values of the X-ray/DRR, metric, and tracking parameters, then it is added to the queue. All jobs in a queue must be from the same subject file. As you are adding jobs, you can select any session, configuration, trial, and group of objects to track. When an optimization queue is run, the jobs are run in the order of the queue and for each individual job, X4D will automatically adjust all settings and parameter values to the appropriate values before this job is actually run.
The Optimization Job Queue widget has a toolbar with buttons that have the same functionality as the items in the Queue menu. Below its toolbar, this dialog displays the currently loaded job queue in a tree view, and various items can be expanded or collapsed. Each job can be dragged-and-dropped to change the order of the jobs in the queue. Right-clicking on an item in the tree view opens a menu with the following commands:
Edit: opens a dialog in which the current item can be edited. Remove: removes the current item [only for entire jobs]. Resize: resizes the column to the width of the current item. Note 1: When editing a job queue file, it is advised to only change the values of certain attributes. There are currently no built-in checks to prevent the job queue files from becoming corrupted. Be careful to keep doubles as doubles (with decimal point) and integers as integers (without decimal point).
Note 2: Only entire jobs should be removed from the queue. Although the Edit dialog shows a red 'x' to delete an item, it should be used sparsely; removing part of a job could make the job incomplete, and there is currently no way to add individual parts to a job.