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Manual Identification

Manual identification

Basic identification provides two methods for assigning labels to points; point select and label select.

Point select mode

This technique lets the user select a series of labels in the label area and then click on points in the view to do the assignments. Left click on individual marker labels in the label area in the order you wish to assign them (the mouse may also be dragged over a sequence of labels). Clicking or dragging over a selected label will unselect it. The background of the first label selected will change to red, the backgrounds of successively selected labels will change to aqua, and all points that may be assigned the first label without conflict will become circled in red in the view area. Left click on the point to which you wish to give the first (red) label. The point and the background of the label will change to yellow indicating that the label has been assigned to a segment. The next label in the order selected will now assume a red background indicating that it will be the next one to be applied. At any time the entire label selection may be cleared by Left double-clicking on any label in the label area.

Once you have labeled the points for a particular frame, move to another frame and repeat the process until all useful segments have been identified.

Label select mode

This mode is entered by left-clicking to the left or right of the red frame cursor in the continuity area, depending on whether you wish to scan forwards or backwards in frames. Pressing the left or right arrow keys on the keyboard achieves the same purpose.

The program searches for the next unlabeled point in the current frame, or if there is not one in the current frame, the next (or previous) frame that has an unlabeled point. It then indicates that point with an aqua cross in the view area and in the label area shows, by an aqua background, which labels may be assigned to that point. To perform the assignment left click on a permitted label. The program will then automatically scan to the next unlabeled point, etc. If you wish to hide a point that the scan has selected, do a left-click anywhere in the view area. To skip labeling a selected point without hiding it, right click anywhere in the view area. Pressing the left (or right) arrow key also has the effect of skipping the immediate identification of a marker.

To exit Label select mode, move to a different frame number by using the frame slider or the mouse wheel.

Saving identifications

At any time the current identifications may be saved to the input .seg file by using the Save IDs button, and retrieved by the Reload IDs button. Of course, if Tracking is performed again to regenerate the .seg file, any saved identifications are lost. Clicking the Clear IDs button cancels all assignments current in the program, but does not modify the identifications stored in the .seg file.

Although links are primarily used to assist identifications, they may be used in a simplistic manner to connect points in the 3D view display to aid in visualization. Once you have identified your points, click on the LINKS button and connect the labeled points with Left or Right mouse clicks, as described in Defining links, to create the links as desired. You can then save the links to the project link file by first clicking on Set and then Save. The links will then be drawn in the display anytime the labels are applied, provided the link file is loaded into the project.

other/amass/documentation/manual_identification.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:44 by sgranger