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Orient3D 3D View


The 3D View shows the surface model of the currently loaded object. It can also display the global and local coordinate systems. You can change the view camera using these commands:

  • Rotation left mouse button
  • Zooming right mouse button or mouse wheel
  • Panning Shift + left mouse button or middle mouse button
  • Spinning Ctrl + left button (spinning is rotating about an axis perpendicular to the screen)
  • R Resets the view camera such that the surface model is centered in the window.

Manual LCS manipulation.

The LCS is the only object that can be manipulated in the view. The LCS can be selected by clicking on it while holding the Ctrl key. A trackball consisting of three axes and three circles is then displayed. Clicking near one of these axes or circles will select it and a mouse move will result in a constraint manipulation of the LCS (translation along selected axis or rotation in selected circle plane). Clicking anywhere else within the trackball will enable free manipulation: free-form rotation with the left mouse button and free-form translation with the left mouse button while the Shift key depressed. When the trackball is displayed, zooming of the view camera can be achieved with the mouse wheel.
Clicking anywhere outside of the trackball or pressing Esc will deselect the LCS and hide the trackball.
Note: Remember to use the Save to Subject Object command to save the manually manipulated LCS to the subject object in the subject file.


other/dsx/orient3d/orient3d_3d_view.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:44 by sgranger