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The Segmentation widget provides access to the labels that are used to identify and segment objects (bones, implants, etc.) in the image data. The labels are contained in a table with their name, color, and upper and lower threshold values. The recommended approach for segmenting image data is described in How To: Segment Image Data and Create Surface Models. When you are finished with the first object, selecting the next object will delete the existing segmentation label. To create a label, use the command Segmentation → Add Object Label. To remove a label, use the command Segmentation → Remove Object Label. To change the name of a label, double-click on the name and type in a new one. To change its color, double-click on the color cell in the table and select a new color from the dialog. The upper and lower threshold values can be changed by dragging the vertical lines in the //Histogram of Image// widget, or by double-clicking on the cells in the table and typing in new values.

other/dsx/surface3d/segmentation.1720792557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/12 13:55 by sgranger