Table of Contents
Advanced Query Section
The Query Builder dialog is used to define the queries that will extract signals from the loaded CMZ library. The dialog also allows you to group specific signals together based on a number of possible features, e.g. right/left or intact/affected.
Auto-Populate Queries
Inspect3D has the convenient ability to automatically define queries based on common signals and groupings. This feature saves the user from the tedious task of manually defining common queries. More information about Auto-Populating Groups can be found here.
Query Definition File
Inspect3D also allows users to save time by saving queries definitions to a .q3d file so that they can be easily re-used during future analysis. This capability is at its most useful when using the Load Group Def & Compute Groups option in the Group Definitions drop-down menu.
Queries and Conditions
Condition Definition
The Condition Definition lets you define the signals you want to query. Query results are defined according to the signals you want from the CMZ library, the events or event sequences to which you want to time normalize the signals, and any further refinements that you want to apply, e.g., threshold values.
This tab allows the user to select a signal according to how it is specified in the Visual3D Data Tree. This specification includes four components with an additional option to negate the results.
| This tab permits signal selection to be refined according to additional conditions that must be met. There are two broad types of refinements: