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Gait Collection


Each lab has a different data collection protocol, however, there are some important data collection requirements to use the IORGait application.

This section describes requirements such as the marker set specific to the gait analysis. The requirements for completing the foot analysis can be found here.

Lab Setup - Before the Patient Arrives

1. Calibrate you capture volume as recommended by your camera's manufacturer.

2. Zero your force plates.

3. Set up all materials that you will need for the capture including, but not limited to: at least 36 markers, with adhesives attached; scale; and measuring tape for height. The referring physician may request other measurements, so you should discuss these prior to the subject's visit.

Subject Setup - Marker Placement

The IOR marker set is comprised of 36 markers. It is best if marker placement done by an individual who is experienced with palpating anatomical positions.

The anatomical location of each target is referenced to the description in the Color Atlas of Skeletal Landmark Definitions. This text is useful for further description of target location as well as recommendations for palpation.

Marker Placement - Listed by trunk, pelvis, lower extremities
Marker NameDescription Reference Page
L/RCAJ Left/Right acromion [1]:p. 45
SJN Deepest point of incisura jugularis [1]:p. 34
SXS Xiphoid proces, i.e. most caudal point of the sternum [1]:p. 37
CV7 Spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebrae [1]:p. 29
TV2 Second thoracic vertebrae [1]:p. 29
TV7 Midpoint between the inferior angles of the most caudal points of the two scapulae[1]:p. 61
LV1 First lumbar vertebrae [1]:p. 29
LV3 Third lumbar vertebrae [1]:p. 29
LV5 Fifth lumbar vertebrae [1]:p. 29
L/RIAS Left/Right anterior superior iliac spine [1]:p. 106
L/RFTC Most lateral prominence of the greater trochanter [1]:p. 116
L/RIPS Left/Right posterior superior iliac spine [1]:p. 107
L/RFLE Most lateral prominence of the lateral femoral epicondyle [1]:p. 122
L/RFME Most medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle [1]:p. 120
L/RFAX Proximal tip of the head of the fibula [1]:p. 154
L/RTTC Most anterior border of the tibial tuberosity [1]:p. 144
L/RFAL Lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus [1]:p. 158
L/RTAM Most medial prominence of the medial malleolus [1]:p. 148
L/RFM5 Dorsal margin of the fifth metatarsal head [1]:p. 173
L/RFM2 Dorsal aspect of the second metatarsal head [1]:p. 173
L/RFM1 Dorsal margin of the first metatarsal head [1]:p. 173
L/RFCC Aspect of the achilles tendon insertion on the calcaneous [1]:p. 162


Data Collection

Static Trial

During the static trial, the subject should:

1. Stand stationary 2. Feet on one or two of the force platforms 3. Comfortable stance 4. Feet shoulder width apart 5. Arms out to so that markers are not occluded During the static trial, the user should:

1. Instruct the subject where to stand and in what posture 2. Collect approximately a three second trial using the motion capture software while the subject is stationary 3. Instruct the subject to relax 4. Label the static trial to ensure all targets appear If all targets have been placed on the subject, if not, collect a new static trial, or overwrite the original static trial

Dynamic Gait Trials

Collect dynamic trials:

1. Have the patient start at one end of the capture volume and have them walk across the force plates at a self selected normal speed. 2. Collect at least one good foot strike per gait trial. Click here to find out more information about a "good" foot strike 2. Make sure: 1. No targets fall off the subject during data collection 2. Targets do not become occluded due to clothing, etc. To complete the IORgait analysis, at least two clean foot strikes (one right, one left) must be collected. However, the total number of trials collected is an individual lab decision. Many users collect at least five clean foot strikes for the left and five for the right. The amount of trials this requires may depend on the number of force platforms in your lab.

other/ior_gait/documentation/gait_collection.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:44 by sgranger