Table of Contents
Report3D Tool Bar
The Tool Bar is initially split in two with the File Management, Cut & Paste, Open/Close Window, Navigate Pages, and Add/Remove Pages buttons found at the top of the screen with the Insert Object and Move Objects buttons found at the bottom of the screen. The Tool Bar elements can be moved around and re-sized using the set of vertical dots to the left of each element. In the picture above the second set of dots from the left are highlighted with a red box.
Tool Bar Sections
File Management
New - This button creates a new empty Report3D document.
Open - This button opens an existing Report3D document.
Load CMO Library - This button opens a CMO library.
Cut & Paste
Cut - This button cuts the selected object(s). They can then be immediately pasted somewhere else.
Copy - This button copies the selected object(s).
Paste - This button pastes an object that has cut or copied.
Open/Close Window
CMO Library Browser - This button opens and closes the CMO Library Browser window.
CMO Query Workshop - This button opens and closes the CMO Query Workshop window.
Item Editor - This button opens and closes the Item Editor window.
Page Preview - This button opens and closes the Page Preview window.
Navigate Pages
First Page - This button moves you back to the first page of the report.
Previous Page - This button moves you back to the previous page.
Page Number - This drop down menu allows you to select which page you would like to jump to.
Next Page - This button moves you forward to the next page.
Last Page - This button moves you back to the last page of the report.
Show Grid - This button turns on and off the grid on the Report Page.
Snap To Grid - When this button is selected and you drag an object on the Report Page it will automatically align itself with the closest grid lines.
Add/Remove Pages
Add Page - This button adds a page to the end of the report.
Remove Page - This button removes the page that is currently being viewed.
Help Button
Help - Clicking on this button will take you to the Report3D Wiki Overview Page.
Insert Object
Add Text Item - This button adds a text box to the current page of the report.
Add Table Item - This button adds a table to the current page of the report.
Add 2D Graph Item - This button adds a 2D Graph to the current page of the report.
Add Picture Item - This button adds a picture to the current page of the report.
Add Movie Item - This button adds a movie to the current page of the report.
Add Rectangle Item - This button adds a rectangle to the current page of the report.
Add Ellipse Item - This button adds an ellipse to the current page of the report.