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explore page]] and [[sift:application:analyse_page|analyse page]]. ====== groups widget ====== * **select all groups**: if checked all groups will automatically be selected. * **groups** * **"groups" column**: contains the name of the query group. * **"type" column**: contains the type of group, most commonly q(query). other group types include r(registered). * sift_action_remove.png: appearing on a group if it is the only one selected, clicking this will remove the selected group. * **+**: clicking this will expand the group to reveal its associated conditions. * **context menu**: right clicking on a group will open the context menu. * **delete group**: this will delete the selected group. * **rename group**: selecting this will allow you to edit the name of the currently selected group. ====== workspaces widget ====== * **select all workspaces**: if checked every workspace for the selected group(s) will be automatically selected. * **workspaces** * **"workspaces" column**: contains the name of the workspace, the naming convention is: containing folder \ cmz name. * **"excl" column**: contains the percentage of traces that have been excluded from the workspace. * **+**: clicking this will expand the workspace to reveal the individual c3ds associated with the workspace's cmz which can be expanded further to see the frames of each condition. * **context menu**: right clicking on a workspace will open the context menu. * **re-include all data**: re-include all excluded data from all workspaces. * **re-include selected data for selected queries**: re-includes any excluded data only the data selected for any selected queries. * **re-include selected data for all queries**: re-includes any excluded data only the selected data, but for all queries. * **exclude selected data for selected queries**: excludes all selected data for all selected queries. * **exclude selected data for all queries**: excludes all selected data from every query. }}

sift/application/groups_and_workspaces.1718804104.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 13:35 by sgranger