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| the load library dialog is typically the first interaction users will have upon open sift and interacting with the [[sift:application:load_page|load page]]. the load library dialog allows users to specify which folder on their computer the data files should be drawn from. remember, sift loads in all cmz workspaces in sub-folders as well. sift_load_library_dialog.png\\ * **library path**: the path to the base folder or directory containing all the cmz files to be loaded. * sift_browser.png**browse**: open up a browser to navigate to and select a **library path**. * **library query**: an expression used to refine the files loaded into the library. * **subject tags**: set the active subject tag for multi-subject data. * sift_clear.png**unload**: remove all currently loaded cmzs. * sift_reload_lib.png**load**: load the library with the specified parameters. }}}}}}