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principal component analysis (pca)]] results, [[sift:dynamic_time_warping:dynamic_time_warping|dynamic time warping (dtw)]] results and [[sift:statistical_parametric_mapping:spm_overview|statistical parametric mapping (spm)]] results) to text files in standard ascii, transposed ascii, spss ascii and p2d format. the export results dialog sift_export_results.png can be found on the toolbar and under the export menu. exportbutton.png \\ ===== export results overview ===== the export results dialog is split up into three sections. - export settings - definition - export results options exportdialogoverview.png ===== export settings ===== exportsettings.png selecting export settings allows you to save premade selections for exporting, saving time customizing your exports. export setting files are saved as standard text file. **export settings file**: here you can browse your library to load in an export settings file. **export text files to folder and filenames**: here you can customize where you want your exports to be saved and specify the folder and the filenames. ===== definition ===== this section is defining what you want to be exported in the text file. changing the export type, changes the different options to be exported. ==== export type data ==== exportdata.png the export type data allows you to export all information related to queries. **input data**: this allows you to choose what data you want to be exported. there are four different options. - all queried data - this will export all queries - all plotted data - this will export data that is on any number of plots - active plot data - this will only export data that is on the active plot - highlighted data - this will only export data that is highlight **all workspaces in group or selected workspaces**: choosing selected workspaces will only export workspaces that are selected in the [[sift:application:groups_and_workspaces|groups and workspaces widget]]. **number points normalized to**: this will normalize the data to the number selected. the standard it to keep is at 101, which queries are typically normalized to. **group mean**: checking this box will export the groups mean. **group std. dev.**: checking this box will export the groups standard deviation. **workspace mean**: checking this box will export the workspaces mean. **workspace std. dev.**: checking this box will export the workspace standard deviation. **all sequences (normalized)**: checking this box will export each normalized trace within the selected groups. this option also allows you to export the **events (normalized)**, which exports the occurrence of each event within the signal. **all sequences (time based)**: checking this box will export each raw trace within the selected groups. this option also allows you to export the **events (time based)**, which exports the occurrence of each event within the signal. ==== export type summary statistics ==== exportsstats.png the export type data allows you to export all information related to queries. **input data**: this allows you to choose what data you want to be exported. there are four different options. - all queried data - this will export all queries - all plotted data - this will export data that is on any number of plots - active plot data - this will only export data that is on the active plot - highlighted data - this will only export data that is highlight **all workspaces in group or selected workspaces**: choosing selected workspaces will only export workspaces that are selected in the [[sift:application:groups_and_workspaces|groups and workspaces widget]]. **calculate results for**: this allows you to choose what you want the summary statistics to be calculated for. there are three options. - groups - workspaces - instances **mean**: this calculates the means of the data you chose. checking this box also allows you to calculate the **std. dev.** of the means. **minimum**: this calculates the minimums of the data you chose. checking this box also allows you to calculate the **std. dev.** of the minimums, and to export the **event point** of the minimums. **maximum**: this calculates the maximums of the data you chose. checking this box also allows you to calculate the **std. dev.** of the maximums, and to export the **event point** of the maximums. **extra options**: checking extra option will only give results if previous options are checked, however this allows you the option to **add metric columns**, and to **use normalized data to calculate metrics**. ==== export type pca results ==== exportpca.png this option allows you to export [[sift:principal_component_analysis:pca_overview|pca]] results. **workspaces scores**: this will export the workspace score for each groups workspace run in the [[sift:principal_component_analysis:pca_overview|pca]]. **group scores**: this will export the group score for each group run in the [[sift:principal_component_analysis:pca_overview|pca]]. **group scores std. dev.**: this will export the standard deviation of the group score for each group run in the [[sift:principal_component_analysis:pca_overview|pca]]. **variance explained**: this will export the variance explained for each pc run in the [[sift:principal_component_analysis:pca_overview|pca]]. **eigenvectors**: this will export the data points of the eigenvectors for each pc. **mean +/- 1 sd**: this will export the mean and +/- 1 standard deviation of the reconstructed pcs. **mean +/- 5 and 95%**: this will export the mean, the 5th and the 95th reconstruction of the pc. \\ ==== export type registered curves ==== exportcr.png this option will allow you to export all the information related to [[sift:curve_registration:curve_registration|curve registration]]. **input data**: this allows you to choose what data you want to be exported. there are four different options. - all queried data - this will export all queries - all plotted data - this will export data that is on any number of plots - active plot data - this will only export data that is on the active plot - highlighted data - this will only export data that is highlight **registered curves**: checking this box will export all the traces of the registered groups. **warping functions**: checking this box will export the warping function for each trace in the registered groups. **landmark means**: checking this box will export the mean locations of the landmarks the groups were registered to. **landmarks for all traces**: checking this box will export the original location of each landmark for each trace. ==== export type dynamic time warping ==== exportdtw.png this option will export the results from [[sift:dynamic_time_warping:dynamic_time_warping|dtw]]. **found anomalies/traces**: checking this box will export the traces that were found in [[sift:dynamic_time_warping:dynamic_time_warping|dtw]]. **cost functions**: checking this box will export the cost functions of the traces that were found in [[sift:dynamic_time_warping:dynamic_time_warping|dtw]]. ==== export type statistical parametric mapping ==== exportspm.png **spm b matrix**: this will export the traces in the b plot. **spm residual matrix**: this will export the traces in the residuals plot. **spm's**: this will export the [[sift:statistical_parametric_mapping:spm_overview|spm]] curve. ===== export result options ===== exportresultoptions.png this section allows you to customize how you want the data to look in the exports and to show a preview. **export format**: this allows you to pick the format of the text file you want. there are four types of formats. - standard ascii - transposed ascii - spss ascii - p2d **precision**: this is the number of digits after the decimal point. **generate preview**: pressing this button will generate a preview of the export data. this is a good way to check everything is to your liking. **browse**: this allows you to browse your library to find where you want to export your data to. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}