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K-Means Dialog

The K-Means button is found on the toolbar and under Outlier Detection.

  • Number of Clusters: The number of clusters to be calculated.
  • Maximum iterations: How many times the calculations will be run, more iterations will refine the results at the cost of longer processing times.
  • Run Cumulative Variance Model: Can be used to determine the range of the K-Means test using variance explained instead of number of PCs
  • Number of PCs (1-25): The number of principal components representing the workspace.
  • Scale PC Scores to Variance Explained: Normalizes the scale on the workspace scores using the variance explained
  • Use Custom Seed For First Centroid: Allows the selection of a custom seed instead of a randomly generated one, creates consistent results across runs.

Running a K-Means Test

A more in depth guide on the uses of K-Means and how to run one can be found here.

sift/principal_component_analysis/k-means_dialog.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:44 by sgranger