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Automating Work Flow With Directory Watchers
In this tutorial we will walk you through the steps of setting up Sift to automatically process your data when it is loaded. You will learn how to create a directory watcher and point it to a folder your data will be dropped in, then set it to execute all your V3D and Sift processing automatically
The Task
Before we can automate something we need to have an idea of what we are trying to do in the first place, in this example we will take a treadmill running trial captured with Theia, and ultimately run SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) to note any significant differences between the left and right knee angles.
To start download this zip file, it contains everything needed to get this example working.
Setting Up
V3D Pipeline
Before we create the watchers themselves we need to inspect the scripts that will be fired by them, first up is the V3D pipeline script “V3D_Pipeline.v3s” open this up. This script is very basic, it opens the c3d included calculates the left and right knee angles, then manually sets some events before saving as a CMZ.
We do have to make one small alteration, we must set the paths within the pipeline to match our computer replace all occurrences of REPLACE with the path to the unzipped “Watcher Demo” folder in my case “C:\Users\shane\OneDrive\Desktop\Testing\Watcher Demo”, this needs to be changed in the File_Open and File_Save commands
Sift BATCH Script
The BATCH script “Sift_Script.bat” does not need to be updated, the script gets a reference to its location itself (the %~dp0 you see in the script).
There are a couple things to note about the script, the first line is ::SIFT, a .bat file will only be executed if this line is present, this prevents a unintended script from being executed by accident, you will also notice that the entire sift command is on one line. This is because they all need to be passed at once via a command line call and new line characters will execute everything preceding it and treat everything remaining as a brand new command to make this easier to manage you can enable wordwrap on your text editor of choice
For more details on creating a .bat file for command line processing in Sift check out the Batch Processing Tutorial.
::SIFT "%ProgramFiles%\Sift\Sift.exe" -LoadLib "%~dp0\CMZs" -LoadQuery "%~dp0\Sift_Query.q3d" -SelectSignals -RunPCA "KneeAnglePCA" -RunLOF grouping "group" -exportPCA file "%~dp0\Exports\Knee Angle - LOF Outliers.txt" lof lofThreshold exportFormat "transposed" -SelectSignals group "RKneeAngleX" -RegisterCurves name "RKneeAngleX_Reg" max -SelectSignals group "LKneeAngleX" -RegisterCurves name "LKneeAngleX_Reg" max -SelectSignals group "RKneeAngleY" -RegisterCurves name "RKneeAngleY_Reg" max -SelectSignals group "LKneeAngleY" -RegisterCurves name "LKneeAngleY_Reg" max -SelectSignals group "RKneeAngleZ" -RegisterCurves name "RKneeAngleZ_Reg" max -SelectSignals group "LKneeAngleZ" -RegisterCurves name "LKneeAngleZ_Reg" max -SelectSignals -CreateGLM name "KneeAngle_GLM" -RunSPM name "KneeAngleX_SPM" glm "KneeAngle_GLM" group1 "RKneeAngleX_Reg" group2 "LKneeAngleX_Reg" -RunSPM name "KneeAngleY_SPM" glm "KneeAngle_GLM" group1 "RKneeAngleY_Reg" group2 "LKneeAngleY_Reg" -RunSPM name "KneeAngleZ_SPM" glm "KneeAngle_GLM" group1 "RKneeAngleZ_Reg" group2 "LKneeAngleZ_Reg" -ExportSPM file "%~dp0\Exports\KneeAngle_SPM.txt" spm exportFormat "transposed" -SaveProject "%~dp0\Exports\Knee Angle.i3d" -Exit
Creating Watchers
To create the watchers themselves we will need to do so within the Sift Command Line, to launch Sift on the command line, first open a command line tutorial you can do this by pressing Windows Key + on your keyboard and typing cmd into the window that pops up
then navigate to the Sift install directory by typing cd C:\Program Files\Sift this path may be different depending on your specific computer
Now that we are in the install directory we type Sift.exe -NoGUI this will open a command line instance of Sift