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It is possible to apply two static trials to a single dynamic trial. This can be useful in many cases, for example, if you are:

  • using a digitizing pointer, you can collect one static trial with the subject and another with just the pointer.
  • doing a weightlifting trial, you can collect one static with the subject and another with just the bench.
  • wanting to assign multiple models to a single dynamic trial.

NOTES You should NOT use this feature if:

  • you collected two static trials because a marker fell off and was replaced. If this is the case, you would still need to associate the relevant static trials with the relevant dynamic trials.
  • you have multiple subjects in a single dynamic trial. If this is the case, consult the Multisubject documentation.


At a high level, the process for applying multiple static trials to a dynamic trial consists of loading in the static trials, applying model templates to them, and then applying them to the dynamic trial.

  1. Load two static trials by loading each trial individually:
    1. Model → Hybrid Model from C3D File load “StaticA.c3d”
    2. Model → Apply Model Template to apply model template for “StaticA.c3d”
    3. Model → Hybrid Model from C3D File load “StaticB.c3d”
    4. Model → Apply Model Template to apply model template for “StaticB.c3d”
  2. Load dynamic trials (File → Open)
  3. Assign static trials to dynamic trials:
    1. Model → Assign Model to Motion Trials
      1. Select a model: “StaticA.c3d”
      2. Check “Use Secondary Static Trials (Models)“
      3. Check “StaticB.c3d”
      4. Check appropriate dynamic trials
visual3d/documentation/definitions/multistatic.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/06 14:51 by wikisysop