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It is possible to apply two static trials to a single dynamic trial. This can be useful in many cases, for example, if you are:

  • using a digitizing pointer, you can collect one static trial with the subject, and another with just the pointer.
  • doing a weight lifting trial, you can collect one static with the subject, and another with just the bench.

NOTES You should NOT use this feature if:

  • you collected two static trials because a marker fell off and was replaced. If this is the case, you would still need to associate the relevant static trials with the relevant dynamic trials.
  • you have multiple subjects in a single dynamic trial. If this is the case, consult the Multisubject documentation.


  1. Load two static trials by loading each trial individually:
    1. Model → Hybrid Model from C3D File load “StaticA.c3d”
    2. Model → Apply Model Template to apply model template for “StaticA.c3d”
    3. Model → Hybrid Model from C3D File load “StaticB.c3d”
    4. Model → Apply Model Template to apply model template for “StaticB.c3d”
  2. Load dynamic trials (File → Open)
  3. Assign static trials to dynamic trials:
    1. Model → Assign Model to Motion Trials
      1. Select a model: “StaticA.c3d”
      2. Check “Use Secondary Static Trials (Models)“
      3. Check “StaticB.c3d”
      4. Check appropriate dynamic trials

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visual3d/documentation/definitions/multistatic.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 15:45 by sgranger