Table of Contents
Force Structures
Force Structures were conceived as a mechanism for combining force platform data (e.g. treating several contiguous platforms as a single platform), and for accommodating structures that are attached to the force platform as a super-structure such as the stairs manufactured by AMTI.
Our original implementation treated these “entities” as different FORCE_PLATFORM types, but this decision caused problems with other manufacturers that didn't recognize the new types. After consideration we determined that the introduction of a new C3D parameter group for FORCE_STRUCTURES was a more general solution because it didn't affect the force platform parameters.
External forces require the specification of 9 components
Force= (Fx, Fy, Fz) Center of Pressure= (COPx, COPy, COPz) Free Moment= (Tx, Ty, Tz) Only 6 pieces of information, however, are available from a force platform, so it is necessary to specify (or assume) 3 components.
For a typical platform:
Tx and Ty are assumed to be zero. This means that we assume that the subject is not pulling up on the platform. COPz is assumed to be on the top surface of the platform. For a surface (e.g. a step) placed on top of the force platform, the COP is translated along the Force Vector to the new surface. (e.g. the intersection of the force with the new surface).